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Front Page Novi Sad Journal of MathematicsPublisher: Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Sciences, Novi SadISSN: 1450-5444 (Print), 2406-2014 (Online)Issue: 29_3Date: 1999Journal Homepage

A Hamiltonian approadi to the disrrete-eonthmon.s dvnanrieal svstems in dia.mond-type crystals 1 - 9
I.D. Albu and D. Opriş  
AbstractKeywords: Hamiltonian; dynamical systems; crystalsMSC: 70H05; 70H25; 82D25
Helmholtz type condition for mechanical integrators 11 - 21
I.D. Albu and D. Opriş  
AbstractKeywords: discrete variational principle; variational integrators; discrete Helmholtz conditionsMSC: 58F05; 70H30
Distingnoshed linear connections in the Einstein-Sehrödinger geometry of the second order 23 - 33
Gheorghe Atanasiu and Panayiotis Stavrinos  
AbstractKeywords: osculator bundle; Einstein-Sclirodinger's geometryMSC: 53C60; 53B50; 53C80
Lifts of the almost complex structures to $T(Osc^2M)$ 35 - 53
Gheorghe Atanasiu and Nicoleta Voicu  
AbstractKeywords: almost complex structure; bundle of accelerations; integrabilityMSC: 53C05
Loop group decompositions in the generalized DPW method 55 - 63
V. Balan  
AbstractKeywords: loop group; Birkhoff decomposition; Iwasawa decomposition; harmonic map; Maurer-Cartan formMSC: 22E67; 22E60; 53C35; 53A10; 53C42; 49Q05
Area swept by line segment under a planar motion 65 - 67
Momčilo Bjelica  
AbstractKeywords: swept area; rouletteMSC: 53A04
The Jacobi fields for a spray on the tangent hnndle 69 - 78
loan Bucataru  
AbstractKeywords: Jacobi fields; spray; nonlinear connectionMSC: 53C60; 58A20; 58A30
Special adapted basis in $Osc^3M$ 79 - 88
Irena Čomić  
AbstractKeywords: $Osc^3M$; special adapted basisMSC: 53B25; 53B40
On a weakly symmetric metric Riemannian manifold admitting a special type of semi-symmetric metric connection 89 - 95
U. C. De and Joydeep Sengupta  
AbstractKeywords: weakly symmetric manifold; semi-symmetric connection; weakly Ricci symmetric manifold; sub-projective manifoldMSC: 53C25
The realization of the continuity principle in the relativistic pencils of circles and spheres 97 - 107
Lazar Dovniković  
AbstractKeywords: pencils of circles and spheres; concepts of line and plane; continuity; harmonic equivalence; relativistic geometryMSC: 51N20
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