Novi Sad Journal of MathematicsPublisher: Department of Mathematics and Informatics,
Faculty of Sciences, Novi SadISSN: 1450-5444 (Print), 2406-2014 (Online)Issue: 18_2Date: 1988Journal Homepage |
AbstractKeywords: free algebras; negative sentencesMSC: 08C10; 03C52; 08B20
AbstractKeywords: N-ple Markov process; Hermite polynomial of Gaussian processMSC: 60G15; 60G25
AbstractKeywords: the space of tempered distributions; the quasl-asyaptotlc at $\pm\infty$; the quasiasymptotic expansion of tempered distributions on the real line; the distributional Stieltjes transformationMSC: 44A15; 46F12
AbstractKeywords: Obrechkoff; Laplace and Meijer integral transformsMSC: 44A15
AbstractKeywords: local poset and poset greedolds. undirected and directed branching greedolds; convex shellingsMSC: 05B35
AbstractKeywords: matrold; partltlonal matrold; bases; circuits; hyperplanes; achievement and avoidance gamesMSC: 05B35
AbstractKeywords: S-asymptotic of distributions; Stleltjes arid Hilbert truasformation of distributionsMSC: 46F12; 44A15
AbstractKeywords: fixed point; probabilistic metric spacesMSC: 54H25;47H10
AbstractKeywords: category ;complete latticesMSC: 06A23
AbstractKeywords: n-gnotipoides; n-guasigroups; n-semigroups; n-groups; {i;j}-neutral operations on n-gnoupoidsMSC: 20N05