Novi Sad Journal of MathematicsPublisher: Department of Mathematics and Informatics,
Faculty of Sciences, Novi SadISSN: 1450-5444 (Print), 2406-2014 (Online)Issue: 16_1Date: 1986Journal Homepage |
AbstractKeywords: asymptotic behaviour of distributions; quasiasymptotia; equivalence at infinity; S-asymptoticMSC: 46F10
AbstractKeywords: coincidence points; multivalued mappings; convex metric spaces; metric spaces with a convex structureMSC: 54H25
AbstractKeywords: fixed point theorems; multivaluea mappings; functional equationsMSC: 45N05; 54H25
AbstractKeywords: weakly commuting mappings; common fixed pointMSC: 54H25; 47H10
AbstractKeywords: caratheodory selections; random fixed point theoremsMSC: 60H25
AbstractKeywords: common fixed pointst convex metric space; probabilistic convex metric spaceMSC: 47H10
AbstractKeywords: repulsive fixed points; measure of noncompaocnessMSC: 47H10; 47H99
AbstractKeywords: Riemann-Otsuki spaces; Frenet formulaeMSC: 53B05 53B15
AbstractKeywords: total and Ricci curvative; Weyl-Otsuki spaceMSC: 53B12
AbstractKeywords: injective modules; CY-injective and KY-injective modules; Von Neumann regular; Noetherian rings; semi-simple ArtinianMSC: 16A30; 16A33; 16A52