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Front Page FilomatPublisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, NišISSN: 0354-5180Issue: 35_10Date: 2021Journal Homepage

All projection-based commuting solutions of the Yang-Baxter-like matrix equation 3203 - 3217
Qixiang Dong and Jiu Ding  
AbstractKeywords: Matrix equation; Jordan canonical form; Jordan blocks; Projection matrixMSC: 15A18DOI: 10.2298/FIL2110203D
Decay estimates for a degenerate wave equation with a dynamic fractional feedback acting on the degenerate boundary 3219 - 3239
Fatiha Chouaou, Chahira Aichi and Abbes Benaissa  
AbstractKeywords: Weakly degenerate wave equation; dynamic nonlocal boundary feedback of fractional type; Bessel functions; Optimal decay ratesMSC: 35B40;35L80; 74D05; 93D15DOI: 10.2298/FIL2110219C
Efficient projective methods for the split feasibility problem and its applications to compressed sensing and image debluring 3241 - 3266
Suparat Kesornprom, Nattawut Pholasa and Prasit Cholamjiak  
AbstractKeywords: split feasibility problem; projection algorithm; Hilbert space; Weak convergenceMSC: 47H10; 54H25DOI: 10.2298/FIL2110241K
Two weak solutions for fully nonlinear Kirchhoff-type problem 3267 - 3278
Abdolrahman Razani  
AbstractKeywords: Nonlocal problems; Kirchhoff-type problems; Variational methods; Orlicz-Sobolev spacesMSC: 35J60; 35J50; 34B10DOI: 10.2298/FIL2110267R
How many are projectable classical linear connections with a prescribed Ricci tensor 3279 - 3285
Jan Kurek, Włodzimierz M Mikulski and Mariusz Plaszczyk  
AbstractKeywords: projectable classical linear connection; Ricci tensor; Cauchy-Kowalevski theoremMSC: 35A10; 35Q99; 53B05; 53B20; 35G50DOI: 10.2298/FIL2110279K
Ep matrices of adjointable operators on Hilbert C * -modules 3287 - 3292
Xiaopeng Li, Junjie Huang and Alatancang Chen  
AbstractKeywords: Hilbert C∗-module; EP operator; Operator matrices; Generalized inverseMSC: 47A05; 47C15; 46L08; 15A09DOI: 10.2298/FIL2110287L
Spectral mapping theorem and Weyl's theorem for (m, n)-paranormal operators 3293 - 3302
Preeti Dharmarha and Sonu Ram  
AbstractKeywords: (m; n)-paranormal operator; Riesz idempotent; Weyl spectrum; Weyl’s theorem; Spectral mapping theoremMSC: 47A10; 47B20DOI: 10.2298/FIL2110293D
Deviations for random sums indexed by the generations of a branching process 3303 - 3317
Yanjiao Zhu and Zhenlong Gao  
AbstractKeywords: large deviation; moderate deviation; normal deviation; Galton–Watson process; Lotka–Nagaev estimatorMSC: 60J80; 60F10DOI: 10.2298/FIL2110303Z
Optimal inequalities for submanifolds in statistical manifolds of quasi constant curvature 3319 - 3330
Pooja Bansal, Siraj Uddin and Mohammad Hasan Shahid  
AbstractKeywords: Statistical manifold; quasi constant curvature; dual connections; scalar curvature; sectional curvatureMSC: 53C05; 53C40; 53A40; 53C15DOI: 10.2298/FIL2110319B
On solvability of Riemann problems in Banach hardy classes 3331 - 3352
B T Bilalov, S R Sadigova and V G Alili  
AbstractKeywords: Banach function space; Boyd indices; Banach Hardy classes; Riemann boundary value problems; solvabilityMSC: 33B10; 46E30; 54D70DOI: 10.2298/FIL2110331B
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