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Front Page FilomatPublisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, NišISSN: 0354-5180Issue: 35_7Date: 2021Journal Homepage

Second Hankel determinant for certain subclass of bi-univalent functions 2129 - 2140
Safa Salehian and Ahmad Motamednezhad  
AbstractKeywords: Bi-univalent functions; Coefficient estimates; Second Hankel determinant; SubordinationMSC: 30C45; 30C50DOI: 10.2298/FIL2107129S
Perturbation results in the Fredholm theory and m-essential spectra of some matrix operators 2141 - 2149
Boulbeba Abdelmoumen, Sadok Chakroun and Mnif Maher  
AbstractKeywords: Measures of noncompactness in Banach spaces; Fredholm operators; Essential spectra; Matrix operatorsMSC: 47H08; 47A53; 47A55; 47A56DOI: 10.2298/FIL2107141A
Fixed point results for hybrid contractions in Menger metric spaces with application to integral equations 2151 - 2164
Ayub Samadi and Nawab Hussain  
AbstractKeywords: Menger PM space; α −Hθ− contractions; Integral equation; Orbitally continuous mappingMSC: 47H09; 47H10; 34A34DOI: 10.2298/FIL2107151S
Some classical inequalities and their applications 2165 - 2173
Mualla Birgül Huban, Mehmet ¨ Gürdal and Havva Tilki  
AbstractKeywords: Reproducing kernel Hilbert space; Berezin symbol; Berezin number; quasi-paranormal operator; Hölder-McCarthy type inequality; Young type inequalityMSC: 47A63; 26D15; 47B10DOI: 10.2298/FIL2107165H
Meir-Keeler condensing operators and applications 2175 - 2188
Sana Hadj Amor and Abdelhak Traiki  
AbstractKeywords: Meir-Keeler condensing operators; measure of weak noncompactness; nonlinear hybrid linearly perturbed integral equationsMSC: 47H09; 47H10; 47H30DOI: 10.2298/FIL2107175H
Maximal summability operators on the dyadic hardy spaces 2189 - 2208
Ushangi Goginava and Salem Ben Said  
AbstractKeywords: Walsh Systems; Hardy Spaces; Boundedness of Maximal Operators; Logarithmic Means; Cesàro MeansMSC: 42C10DOI: 10.2298/FIL2107189G
Separability of path spaces under the open-point and bi-point-open topologies 2209 - 2213
Anubha Jindal  
AbstractKeywords: Open-point topology; bi-point-open topology; path spaces; Peano space; σ-Peano spaceMSC: 54C35; 54D05; 54D65DOI: 10.2298/FIL2107209J
New additive results for Cauchy dual and MP−inverse of weighted composition operators 2215 - 2230
Morteza Sohrabi  
AbstractKeywords: Moore-Penrose inverse; Cauchy dual; complex symmetry; weighted composition operator; hyponormal; paranormalMSC: 47B20; 47B38DOI: 10.2298/FIL2107215S
Some inequalities in quasi-Banach algebra of non-Newtonian bicomplex numbers 2231 - 2243
Nilay Sager and Birsen Sağir  
AbstractKeywords: ∗−calculus; non-Newtonian complex number; bicomplex number; Hölder’s inequlity; Minkowski’s inequality; quasi- Banach algebraMSC: 30L99; 26D15; 11U10DOI: 10.2298/FIL2107231S
On G-mappings defined by G-methods and G-topological groups 2245 - 2256
Jiewen Chen and Jing Zhang  
AbstractKeywords: G-closed mappings; G-open mappings; G-quotient mappings; G-topological groups. G-connectednessMSC: 54A20; 54C08; 40A05; 40J05; 40C99DOI: 10.2298/FIL2107245C
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