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Front Page FilomatPublisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, NišISSN: 0354-5180Issue: 35_7Date: 2021Journal Homepage

A new result of Prešić type theorems with applications to second order boundary value problems 2257 - 2266
Ishak Altun, Muhammad Qasim and Murat Olgun  
AbstractKeywords: Fixed point; Prešić contraction; θ-contraction; boundary value problemMSC: 54H25; 47H10DOI: 10.2298/FIL2107257A
Generalized Jacobson's lemma for generalized Drazin inverses 2267 - 2275
Huanyin Chen and Marjan Sheibani Abdolyousefi  
AbstractKeywords: Generalized Drazin inverse; Drazin inverse; Group inverse; Jacobson’s lemma; RingMSC: 15A09; 16U99; 47A05DOI: 10.2298/FIL2107267C
Periodic wave solutions of non-Newtonian filtration equations with nonlinear sources and singularities 2277 - 2292
Weijun Xie, Fanchao Kong and Juan J Nieto  
AbstractKeywords: Periodic wave solution; Non-Newtonian filtration equation; Singularity; Nonlinear sourcesMSC: 34C25; 34K13DOI: 10.2298/FIL2107277X
Ricci recurrent almost Kenmotsu 3-manifolds 2293 - 2301
V Venkatesha, H Aruna Kumara and Devaraja Mallesha Naik  
AbstractKeywords: almost Kenmotsu 3-manifolds; Ricci recurrent manifold; locally symmetric manifoldMSC: 53C25; 53D15DOI: 10.2298/FIL2107293V
Certain observations on statistical variations of bornological covers 2303 - 2315
Subhankar Das and Debraj Chandra  
AbstractKeywords: Bornology; selection principles; topology of strong uniform convergence; statistical convergence; open Bs-cover; γBs - cover; s-γBs -cover; s-Bs-Hurewicz property; s-Reznichenko property; s-strictly Frèchet Urysohn propertyMSC: 54D20 54A20; 54C35; 54A25DOI: 10.2298/FIL2107303D
On topological conjugacy of some chaotic dynamical systems on the Sierpinski gasket 2317 - 2331
Nisa Aslan, Mustafa Saltan and Bünyamin Demir  
AbstractKeywords: Sierpinski gasket; code representation; intrinsic metric; chaotic dynamical systems; topological conjugacyMSC: 28A80; 37D45DOI: 10.2298/FIL2107317A
On optimality for Mayer type problem governed by a discrete inclusion system with Lipschitzian set-valued mappings 2333 - 2340
Özkan Değer  
AbstractKeywords: Discrete inclusions; set-valued mappings; necessary conditions; vector optimizationMSC: 90C46; 58C06DOI: 10.2298/FIL2107333D
Inscription on statistical convergence of order α 2341 - 2347
Manasi Mandal and Mandobi Banerjee  
AbstractKeywords: Statistical convergence of order α; Hilbert-Cube space; Fréchet sequence spaceMSC: 40A05; 40A35DOI: 10.2298/FIL2107341M
Identities related to generalized derivations and Jordan (∗, ?)-derivations 2349 - 2360
Amin Hosseini  
AbstractKeywords: generalized derivation; generalized left derivation; Jordan (∗; ?)-derivation; Banach algebra; (∗; ?)-ringMSC: 47B47; 39B05DOI: 10.2298/FIL2107349H
Bi-covering rough sets 2361 - 2369
Mohamed Abo-Elhamayel  
AbstractKeywords: Rough sets; lower and upper approximations; bi-covering; bi-neighborhoodMSC: 54A05; 03C13; 54E99; 54F65DOI: 10.2298/FIL2107361A
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