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Front Page Publications de l'Institut MathématiquePublisher: Matematički institut SANU, BeogradISSN: 0350-1302Issue: (N.S.) 108 (122)Date: 2020Journal Homepage

On discontinuity at fixed point via power quasi contraction 5 - 11
Ravindra Kishor Bisht, Narendra K Singh, Vladimir Rako cević and Brian Fisher  
AbstractKeywords: fixed point; periodic point; power quasi contractionMSC: 47H09 47H10DOI:
On inversion in the case of the fundamentally finite integrable Vekua complex differential equation 13 - 22
Miloš Čanak and Miloljub Albijanić  
AbstractKeywords: inversion; Vekua; complex differential equationDOI:
A Family of Theta-Function Identities Based Upon $R_{\alpha},R_{\beta}$ and $R_M$-Functions Related to Jacobi's Triple-Product Identity 23 - 32
Mahendra Pal Chaudhary  
AbstractKeywords: theta-function identities; $R_m$-functions; Jacobi's triple-product identity; Ramanujan's theta functions; $q$-Product identities; Euler's pentagonal number theorem; Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction; Rogers-Ramanujan identitiesMSC: 11F27; 11P83 05A17; 05A30DOI:
A $(p,\nu)$-Extension of Srivastava's Triple Hypergeometric Function $H_C$ 33 - 45
S. A. Dar and R. B. Paris  
AbstractKeywords: Srivastava's triple hypergeometric functions; Beta and Gamma functions; modified Bessel function; bounded inequalityMSC: 33C60; 33C65; 33C70; 33B15; 33C05; 33C45; 33C10DOI:
Subclasses of Analytic Functions With Respect to Symmetric and Conjugate Points Connected With q-Analogue of the Bessel Function 47 - 61
Sheza M. El-Deeb and Bassant M. El-Matary  
AbstractKeywords: analytic function; Bessel function of first kind; $q$ derivative; symmetric points; conjugate pointsMSC: 30C50; 30C45 11B65; 47B38DOI:
Further Results on Multiple $q$-Eulerian Integrals for Various $Q$-Hypergeometric Functions 63 - 77
Thomas Ernst  
AbstractMSC: 33D60; 33D15 33C65DOI:
Further Results on the Outer Connected Geodetic Number of a Graph 79 - 89
Kathiresan Ganesamoorthy and Duraisamy Jayanthi  
AbstractKeywords: geodetic set; outer connected geodetic set; outer connected geodetic number; upper outer connected geodetic set; forcing outer connected geodetic numberMSC: 05C12DOI:
$*$-Conformal $\eta$-Ricci Solitons in $\epsilon$-Kenmotsu Manifolds 91 - 102
Abdul Haseeb and Rajendra Prasad  
AbstractKeywords: $*$-conformal $\eta$-Ricci solitons; $\epsilon$-Kenmotsu manifolds; concircular curvature tensor; $\eta$-Einstein manifolds; Einstein manifoldsMSC: 53C15; 53C25DOI:
Formulas Involving Sums of Powers, Special Numbers and Polynomials Arising From $p$-Adic Integrals, Trigonometric and Generating Functions 103 - 120
Neslihan Kilar and Yilmaz Simsek  
AbstractKeywords: Bernoulli numbers and polynomials; Euler numbers and polynomials; Fubini numbers; Tangent numbers; $p$-adic integrals; Riemann integral; Trigonometric functions; Generating functionsMSC: 05A15; 11B68; 11B73; 11S80; 26A42; 33B10DOI:
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