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Front Page Novi Sad Journal of MathematicsPublisher: Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Sciences, Novi SadISSN: 1450-5444 (Print), 2406-2014 (Online)Issue: 49_2Date: 2019Journal Homepage

Semilocal convergence analysis and comparison of revisited computational efficiency of the sixth-order method in Banach spaces 1 - 16
Jai Prakash Jaiswal  
AbstractKeywords: nonlinear equation; Banach space; recurrence relation; semilocal convergence; revisited computational efficiencyMSC: 65H10; 65J15; 47J25DOI:
Lyapunov-type inequality for nonlinear systems with Riemann-Liouville fractional derivatives 17 - 34
Alireza Ansari, Shiva Eshaghi and Reza Khoshsiar Ghaziani  
AbstractKeywords: Lyapunov inequality; Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative and integral; Caputo derivativeMSC: 26D10; 33E12; 34A08DOI:
Study of global asymptotic stability in nonlinear neutral dynamic equations with variable delays 35 - 48
Abdelouaheb Ardjouni and Ahcene Djoudi  
AbstractKeywords: fixed points; neutral dynamic equations; asymptotic stability; time scalesMSC: 34K20; 34K30; 34K40DOI:
Almost contra $(I,J)$-continuous multifunctions 49 - 57
Ennis Rosas, Carlos Carpintero and José Sanabria  
AbstractKeywords: weakly $(I;J)$-continuous multifunctions; upper almost contra $(I;J)$-continuous multifunctions; $I$-regular open set; $I$-regular closed set; contra $(I;J)$-continuous multifunctionsMSC: 54C10; 54C08; 54C05; 54C60DOI:
A class of spirallike functions defined by Ruscheweyh-type $q$-difference operator 59 - 71
Gangadharan Murugusundaramoorthy, Dorina Rāducanu and Kaliyappan Vijaya  
AbstractKeywords: analytic functions; spirallike functions; Ruscheweyh $q$-difference operator; subordination; Fekete-Szegö problemMSC: 30C45DOI:
Bounded index and four dimensional summability methods 73 - 85
Fatih Nuray  
AbstractKeywords: four dimensional summability method; RH-Regular matrix; Double Sequences; Pringsheim Limit convergence; entire functions; bounded indexMSC: 40B05; 40C05; 30D05; 30D15DOI:
Pell numbers identities from Toeplitz-Hessenberg determinants 87 - 94
Taras Goy  
AbstractKeywords: Pell sequence; Fibonacci sequence; Toeplitz-Hessenberg matrix; multinomial coefficientMSC: 15B36; 11B37DOI:
Degenerated topological spaces 95 - 107
Bojan Nikolić  
AbstractKeywords: Kuratowski closure complement theorem; degenerated topological spaces; k-number; K-numberMSC: 54A05; 54B99; 54G99DOI:
Characterization of $R\omega O(X)$ sets by using ${\delta{\omega}}-$cluster points 109 - 122
Heyam H. Al-jarrah, Amani Al-rawshdeh, Eman M. Al-saleh and Khalid Y. Al-zoubi  
AbstractKeywords: $\delta{\omega}-$cluster point; $\delta_{\omega}-$open sets; $\delta-$open sets; $\omega-$open setsMSC: 54A05; 54C08; 54D10DOI:
Suzuki type fixed point results and applications in partially ordered $S_b$ - metric spaces 123 - 138
Nebojša Dedović, Gajula Naveen Venkata Kishore, Daripally Ram Prasad and Jelena Vujaković  
AbstractKeywords: $S_b$-metric space; $S_b-$Cauchy sequence; $S_b$ -completeness; fixed point; Suzuki type contractionMSC: 54H25; 47H10; 54E50DOI:
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