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Front Page FilomatPublisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, NišISSN: 0354-5180Issue: 34_10Date: 2020Journal Homepage

Chains of three-dimensional evolution algebras: a description 3175 - 3190
Anvar Imomkulov and Victoria M Velasco  
AbstractKeywords: evolution algebra; Chapman-Kolmogorov equation; rank; chainMSC: 13J30; 13M05DOI: 10.2298/FIL2010175I
Operator matrices and their Weyl type theorems 3191 - 3204
Il Ju An, Eungil Ko and Ji Eun Lee  
AbstractKeywords: 2 × 2 operator matrices; Browder essential approximate point spectrum; generalized Weyl’s theorem; generalized a-Weyl’s theorem; generalized a-Browder’s theoremMSC: 47A10; 47A53; 58B15DOI: 10.2298/FIL2010191A
On the L-grundy domination number of a graph 3205 - 3215
Boštjan Brešar, Tanja Gologranc, Michael A Henning and Tim Kos  
AbstractKeywords: Grundy total domination number; L-Grundy domination number; Forests; Split graphs; Regular graphsMSC: 05C69; 05C65; 05C85DOI: 10.2298/FIL2010205B
Enveloping actions and duality theorems for partial twisted smash products 3217 - 3227
Shuangjian Guo, Xiaohui Zhang, Yuanyuan Ke and Yizheng Li  
AbstractKeywords: Enveloping action; partial twisted smash product; Morita context; duality theoremMSC: 16T05; 16T15DOI: 10.2298/FIL2010217G
A closure operator for the digital plane 3229 - 3237
Josef Šlapal  
AbstractKeywords: Digital plane; closure operator; connectedness; Jordan curve theorem; Khalimsky topologyMSC: 54A05; 54D05; 68U05DOI: 10.2298/FIL2010229S
Pseudoanalytic extension on f(p, p − 2, s) spaces and applications 3239 - 3249
Ruishen Qian  
AbstractKeywords: F(p; p − 2; s) spaces; pseudoanalytic extension; Lipschitz-type spacesMSC: 30D50; 30H25; 46E15DOI: 10.2298/FIL2010239Q
Almost complete convergence for the sequence of approximate solutions in linear calibration problem with α−mixing random data 3251 - 3264
Samia Khalfoune and Halima Zerouati  
AbstractKeywords: Calibration; α−mixing random data; Ill-posed problem; Almost complete convergenceMSC: 47A52; 53C38; 62L20DOI: 10.2298/FIL2010251K
Bézier variant of the Szász-Durrmeyer type operators based on the Poisson-Charlier polynomials 3265 - 3273
Arun Kajla and Dan Miclăuş  
AbstractKeywords: Bézier curve; Szász operator; Poisson-Charlier polynomials; rate of convergence; bounded variationMSC: 26A15; 41A25; 41A35DOI: 10.2298/FIL2010265K
Packing chromatic numbers of finite super subdivisions of graphs 3275 - 3286
Rachid Lemdani, Moncef Abbas and Jasmina Ferme  
AbstractKeywords: Packing chromatic number; packing coloring; neighborhood corona; finite super subdivisionMSC: 05C15; 05C70; 05C12DOI: 10.2298/FIL2010275L
On pseudo H-symmetric Lorentzian manifolds with applications to relativity 3287 - 3297
Uday Chand De, Young Jin Suh, Sudhakar K Chaubey and Sameh Shenawy  
AbstractKeywords: Lorentzian manifolds; H-curvature tensor; (PHS)n; energy momentum tensor; perfect fluid spacetimes; Einstein’s field equation; GRW spacetimesMSC: 53C25; 53C35; 53C50; 53C30DOI: 10.2298/FIL2010287D
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