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Front Page Computer Science and Information SystemsPublisher: ComSIS Consortium, Novi SadISSN: 1820-0214Issue: 19_2Date: 2022Journal Homepage

PE-DCA: Penalty Elimination Based Data Center Allocation Technique Using Guided Local Search for IaaS Cloud 679 - 707
Sasmita Parida, Bibudhendu Pati, Suvendu Chandan Nayak, Chhabi Rani Panigrahi and Tien-Hsiung Weng  
AbstractKeywords: Cloud Computing; Data Center; Allocation; Penalty; Meta-heuristic; Guided Local SearchMSC: 68M10 68M14
QoS Prediction for Service Selection and Recommendation with a Deep Latent Features Autoencoder 709 - 733
Fatima Zohra Merabet and Djamel Benmerzoug  
AbstractKeywords: similarity computation; neighbors selection; quality of service (QoS); QoS prediction; autoencoderMSC: 68M11 62M45
ProRes: Proactive Re-Selection of Materialized Views 735 - 762
Mustapha Chaba Mouna, Ladjel Bellatreche and Narhimene Boustia  
AbstractKeywords: Materialized Views; Hypergraphs; Query Sharing; large-scale of queriesMSC: 68P15 94C15
A Neuroevolutionary Method for Knowledge Space Construction 763 - 781
Milan Segedinac, Nemanja Milićević, Milan Čeliković and Goran Savić  
AbstractKeywords: Genetic algorithms; Knowledge Space Theory; Neural networks; Educational technologyMSC: 68T05 68T30
Hyper-graph Regularized Subspace Clustering With Skip Connections for Band Selection of Hyperspectral Image 783 - 801
Meng Zeng, Bin Ning, Qiong Gu, Chunyang Hu and Shuijia Li  
AbstractKeywords: Band selection; hyper-graph regularization; skip connections; subspace clustering; hyperspectral imageMSC: 68T10 62H30
Optimized Placement of Symmetrical Service Function Chain in Network Function Virtualization 803 - 827
Nhat-Minh Dang-Quang and Myungsik Yoo  
AbstractKeywords: Network function virtualization; multi-objective; VNF placement optimization; symmetric; heuristicMSC: 68M10 94C15
MEC-MS: A Novel Optimized Coverage Algorithm with Mobile Edge Computing of Migration Strategy in WSNs 829 - 856
Zeyu Sun, Guisheng Liao, Cao Zeng, Zhiguo Lv and Chen Xu  
AbstractKeywords: wireless sensor networks; mobile edge computing; migration strategy; optimization coverage;networks lifetimeMSC: 68M10 94C15
Recent advancements in privacy-aware protocols of source location privacy in wireless sensor networks: a survey 857 - 886
Pradeep Kumar Roy, Asis Kumar Tripathy, Sunil Kumar Singh and Kuan-Ching Li  
AbstractKeywords: Wireless sensor networks; Source location privacy; Fake source; Phantom routing; SecurityMSC: 68M10 94C15
RG-SKY: A Fuzzy Group Skyline Relaxation for Combinatorial Decision Making 887 - 912
Sana Nadouri, Allel Hadjali and Zaidi Sahnoun  
AbstractKeywords: Data analysis; Group skyline queries; Relaxation; Fuzzy preferences; Decision makingMSC: 91B06 68U35
An Approach to Email Categorization and Response Generation 913 - 934
Sasa Arsovski, Muniru Idris Oladele, Adrian David Cheok, Velibor Premcevski and Branko Markoski  
AbstractKeywords: Email responder; Deep learning; AIML; ChatbotMSC: 68T50 62H30
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