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Front Page Novi Sad Journal of MathematicsPublisher: Department of Mathematics and Informatics, Faculty of Sciences, Novi SadISSN: 1450-5444 (Print), 2406-2014 (Online)Issue: 52_2Date: 2022Journal Homepage

On E-Bochner curvature tensor of contact metric generalized $(\kappa,\mu)$ space forms 1 - 11
Shruthi Chidananda and Venkatesha Venkatesha  
AbstractKeywords: almost contact metric manifolds; contact metric manifolds; generalized $(\kappa; \mu)$ space forms; E-Bochner curvature tensorMSC: 53D15; 53D10; 53C25; 53C21DOI:
Extragradient method for approximating a common solution for a fixed point and variational inequality problems in Hilbert space 13 - 29
Santosh Kumar, Richard Osward and Mengistu Goa Sangago  
AbstractKeywords: extragradient method; Fixed points; variational inequality problem; asymptotically nonexpansive mapping; $ \alpha $-inverse strongly monotone mappingMSC: 47H09; 47H10; 90H10DOI:
$(C,B)$-resolvents of closed linear operators 31 - 40
Belkacem Chaouchi and Marko Kostić  
AbstractKeywords: (C;B)-resolvents; closed linear operators; locally convex spaces; abstract degenerate Volterra integro-differential equationsMSC: 11K70; 35B15; 47D99DOI:
A note on uniqueness of meromorphic functions sharing two singleton sets related to a question of Chen 41 - 68
Abhijit Banerjee and Arpita Kundu  
AbstractKeywords: meromorphic function; order; uniqueness; shared setsMSC: 30D35DOI:
Prime coprime graph of a finite group 41 - 59
Avishek Adhikari and Subarsha Banerjee  
AbstractKeywords: finite cyclic group; dihedral group; graph; vertex connectivity; signless LaplacianMSC: 05C25; 05C50DOI:
$\alpha$-Almost Ricci solitons on $(k,\mu)'$-almost Kenmotsu manifolds 69 - 80
Arpan Sardar and Avijit Sarkar  
AbstractKeywords: Ricci soliton; $\alpha$-almost Ricci soliton; $(k;\mu)'$-almost Kenmotsu manifolds; $\eta$-parallel Ricci tensor; projective curvature tensorMSC: 53C15; 53C25DOI:
$*$-conformal $\eta-$Ricci solitons on $\epsilon-$para Sasakian manifolds 81 - 94
Uday Chand De and Abdul Haseeb  
AbstractKeywords: $*-$conformal $\eta-$Ricci solitons; $\epsilon-$para Sasakian manifolds; generalized $\eta-$Einstein manifolds; $\eta-$Einstein manifolds; conformal curvature tensorMSC: 53D15; 53C25; 53C50DOI:
On Brouwer-Heyting lattices 95 - 109
DPRV Subba Rao  
AbstractKeywords: Brouwer-Heyting monoids (BH monoids); BH Lattice; IBH Lattice; residuationMSC: 06D99; 15B99
Existence and multiplicity results for critical and subcritical $p$-fractional elliptic equations via Nehari manifold method 111 - 126
Kamel Akrout, Mounira Azouzi and Hasna Yousfi  
AbstractKeywords: fractional operator; Nehari manifold; fibering methodMSC: 35P30; 35J35; 35J60DOI:
Fundamental solutions of the generalized axially symmetric Helmholtz equation 127 - 133
Maged G. Bin-Saad, Anvar Hasanov and Jihad A. Younis  
AbstractKeywords: fundamental solutions; axially symmetric Helmholtaz equation; confluent hypergeometric Horn functionMSC: 35A08DOI:
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