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Front Page FilomatPublisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, NišISSN: 0354-5180Issue: 37_26Date: 2023Journal Homepage

Curves of stationary acceleration according to alternative frame 8887 - 8896
Ìlkay Arslan Güven, Hasan Es and Yusuf Yaylı  
AbstractKeywords: Rigid-body motion; alternative frame; accelerationMSC: 53A04; 53A17; 70E17DOI: 10.2298/FIL2326887G
Global existence and exponential decay for thermoelastic system with nonlinear distributed delay 8897 - 8908
Noureddine Taouaf and Billal Lekdim  
AbstractKeywords: thermoelastic system; distributed delay; Lyapunov function; Feado-Galerkin methodMSC: 35B35; 35A02; 35B38; 93D30DOI: 10.2298/FIL2326897T
The expressions of the generalized inverses of the block tensor via the C-product 8909 - 8926
Hongwei Jin, Mengyu He and Yuzhen Wang  
AbstractKeywords: C-Product; block tensor; the generalized inverses; the Banachiewicz-Schur formMSC: 15A09; 15A24DOI: 10.2298/FIL2326909J
More on generalizations of topology of uniform convergence and m-topology on C(X) 8927 - 8939
Pratip Nandi, Rakesh Bharati, Atasi DebRay and Sudip Kumar Acharyya  
AbstractKeywords: Topology of uniform convergence; m-topology; UI; mI; UI and mI topologies; weakly P-space; strongly zero-dimensional space; CP(X); CP∞ (X)MSC: 54C40; 46E30DOI: 10.2298/FIL2326927N
Some properties of s-paratopological groups 8941 - 8952
Zhongbao Tang and Mengna Chen  
AbstractKeywords: s-paratopological group; sequentially continuous; PT-sequence; sequential coreflection; sequence-covering mappingMSC: 54A20; 22A30; 54B15; 54C10DOI: 10.2298/FIL2326941T
Some new neutrosophic normed sequence spaces defined by Jordan totient operator 8953 - 8968
Vakeel A Khan, Mikail Et and Mohd Faisal  
AbstractKeywords: Statistical convergence; I−convergence; Jordan I−convergenceMSC: 40A05; 40C05DOI: 10.2298/FIL2326953K
Elementary abelian group actions on a product of spaces of cohomology type (a, b) 8969 - 8973
Hemant Kumar Singh and Somorjit Singh  
AbstractKeywords: Free action; Leray-Serre spectral sequence; Steenrod squareMSC: 57S17; 55T10; 55S10DOI: 10.2298/FIL2326969S
On projectively flat Finsler space with a cubic (α, β) metric 8975 - 8982
Brijesh Kumar Tripathi, Sadika Khan and V K Chaubey  
AbstractKeywords: (α; β)-metric; p-power Finsler metric; Projective flatness; Berwald space; Douglas spaceMSC: 53B40; 53C60DOI: 10.2298/FIL2326975T
The multiplicity and asymptotic forms of eigenvalues of vectorial diffusion equations with some certain assumptions 8983 - 8993
Abdullah Ergün  
AbstractKeywords: Asymptotic forms; Vectorial diffusion operator; EigenvaluesMSC: 34K08; 34L05; 34K06; 34E05; 34L10DOI: 10.2298/FIL2326983E
Root-multiplicity and root iterative refinement 8995 - 9008
Jovana Džunić  
AbstractKeywords: Nonlinear equations; Multiple roots; Multipoint methods; Convergence orderMSC: 65H05DOI: 10.2298/FIL2326995D
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