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Front Page FilomatPublisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, NišISSN: 0354-5180Issue: 9_2Date: 1995Journal Homepage

An inequality for the triangle 117 - 120
Momčilo Bjelica  
AbstractMSC: 51M16
The complete list of F(2) type structures in the complex Finsler space 121 - 129
Irena Čomić  
AbstractMSC: 53B40; 53C56; 53C60
Geodesic tubes and Jacobi vector fields on complex space forms 131 - 142
Mirjana Djorić  
AbstractKeywords: Kahler manifold; complex space form; geodesic tube; shape operator; Jacobi vector fieldMSC: 53B20; 53B35; 53C22; 53C55
Curves generated by mirror reflections 143 - 148
Slavik V. Jablan  
AbstractMSC: 20H15; 57M25
$F(2k+1,1)$-structure on the Lagrangian space 161 - 167
Jovanka Nikić  
AbstractMSC: 53B40; 53C60
On warped product manifolds 169 - 185
Mileva Prvanović  
Fractals and their applications in computer graphics 207 - 231
Ljubiša M. Kocić  
AbstractKeywords: fractal sets; chaos; computer graphicsMSC: 58F13
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