Novi Sad Journal of MathematicsPublisher: Department of Mathematics and Informatics,
Faculty of Sciences, Novi SadISSN: 1450-5444 (Print), 2406-2014 (Online)Issue: 25_2Date: 1995Journal Homepage |
AbstractKeywords: word; subwordMSC: 05A15
AbstractKeywords: bipartite tournament; kingMSC: 05C05
AbstractKeywords: Boolean power; lattice power; unary algebrasMSC: 06C15; 03E72
AbstractKeywords: modular lattices; special elements; weak congruencesMSC: 06C05; 08A30
AbstractKeywords: pseudo-Boolean functions; partial derivatives of pseudo-Boolean functions; Boolean functions; partial derivatives of Boolean functions; Boolean algebra; latticeMSC: 47A60
AbstractKeywords: boundary layer; spectral approximation; domain decomposition; Legendre-type polynomialsMSC: 65L10
AbstractKeywords: spline function; difference scheme; singular perturbation problem; uniform convergence; classical convergenceMSC: 65L10
AbstractKeywords: n-groupoids; n-semigroups; n-quasigroups; n-groups; {i;j}-neutral operations on n-grupoids; inversing operation on n-groupMSC: 20N15
AbstractKeywords: Kekulé strucures; Fibonacci numbersMSC: 05C70; 05C90; 05A10
AbstractKeywords: linear interval equations; MSOR methodMSC: 65G10; 65H10