Kragujevac Journal of MathematicsPublisher: Prirodno-matematički fakultet Kragujevac, KragujevacISSN: 1450-9628Issue: 47_4Date: 2023Journal Homepage |
AbstractKeywords: weak solution; $p$-Hamiltonian boundary value problem; impulsive effect; critical point theory; variational methodsMSC: 34B15; 34B37; 58E30
AbstractKeywords: ring with right Beachy-Blair condition; right R-module with right Beachy-Blair condition; skew Hurwitz series ring; skew Hurwitz series module; reduced ring; $\omega$-compatible ring; $\omega$-compatible module; $\omega$-reduced moduleMSC: 16D25 16S36
AbstractKeywords: quasilinear parabolic problems; variable exponents; topological degree; $p(x)$-LaplacianMSC: 35K59 46E35; 47H11; DOI
AbstractKeywords: fractional-order differentiation; fractional transfer function of the first kind; $\mathcalH_2$-norm; parahermitian transfer matrices; state-space linear model; transformation matricesMSC: 15A30; 37N35 26A33; 44A10
AbstractKeywords: additive mapping; functional equations of Davison type; Hosszu's functional equation; Hyers-Ulam stabilityMSC: 39B52 39B22
AbstractKeywords: Riesz difference sequence space; difference operator $\Delta^B\alpha;$ geometric properties; Hausdorff measure of non-compactnessMSC: 46A45 46A35; 46B45; 47B07
AbstractKeywords: polynomial; Bernstein inequality; polar derivativeMSC: 30A10; 30C15; 30D15
AbstractKeywords: picture fuzzy subspace; direct sum of two picture fuzzy subspaces; isomorphism between two picture fuzzy subspaces; picture fuzzy linear transformation; picture fuzzy linearly independent set of vectorsMSC: 08A72
AbstractKeywords: non-uniform Haar wavelets; Volterra integral equations; grid points; function approximationMSC: 65T60 45D05; 45L05; 65L60; 65R20; 41A30
AbstractKeywords: polar derivative; maximum modulus; zeros; inequalitiesMSC: 30A10; 30C10; 30C15