Kragujevac Journal of MathematicsPublisher: Prirodno-matematički fakultet Kragujevac, KragujevacISSN: 1450-9628Issue: 47_3Date: 2023Journal Homepage |
AbstractKeywords: Bi-ideal; regular; Clifford; left Clifford; locally testable; left normal band; normal band; rectangular bandMSC: 20M10 06F05
AbstractKeywords: Quasi-variational inequalities; asymptotic behavior; subsolutions method; finite elements approximation; $L^\infty $-error estimateMSC: 65J15 65N30
AbstractKeywords: Iterative system; time scale; singularity; homeomorphism; homomorphism; cone; Krasnoselskii's fixed point theorem; positive solutionsMSC: 34B18 34N05
AbstractKeywords: Analytic functions; analytic continuation; univalent functions; bi-univalent functions; coefficient boundsMSC: 30C45
AbstractKeywords: Polynomials; zeros; critical points; derivative; regionMSC: 12D10
AbstractKeywords: Fixed point; Banach contraction principle; nonlinear functional equation; metric space; Caristi's theoremMSC: 47H10 54H25; 54E50
AbstractKeywords: Ordered semihypergroup; hyperideal; hyper $\mathcalJ$-class; covered hyperideal; maximal hyperideal; minimal hyperideal; greatest covered hyperideal; greatest hyperideal and hyperbaseMSC: 20N20; 06F05
AbstractKeywords: Charlier polynomials; Srivastava-Gupta operators; modulus of continuity; Ditzian-Totik modulus of smoothness; weighted modulus of continuityMSC: 41A25; 41A36
AbstractKeywords: Ostrowski's inequality; midpoint inequality; Simpson's inequality; Montgomery identity; Hölder's inequality; parameterMSC: 26D15 26D10; 43A15
AbstractKeywords: Balanced loss function; James-Stein estimator; minimaxity; multivariate Gaussian random variable; non-central chi-square distribution; risk ratio; shrinkage estimatorMSC: 62F12 62C20; DOI