Kragujevac Journal of MathematicsPublisher: Prirodno-matematički fakultet Kragujevac, KragujevacISSN: 1450-9628Issue: 47_2Date: 2023Journal Homepage |
AbstractKeywords: interlacing theorem; Seidel eigenvalue; Seidel switching; nullityMSC: 05C50; 05C35
AbstractKeywords: linear differential equations; growth of solutions; finite singular pointMSC: 34M10; 30D35
AbstractKeywords: Bell graph; Laplacian spectrum; $L$-cospectral; cospectral graphs; spectral characterizationMSC: 05C50
AbstractKeywords: graphons; Kontsevich's admissible graphs; renormalization Hopf algebra; noncommutative differential calculus; Maurer-Cartan equationsMSC: 53D55; 05C63; 81R60; 16T05; 81Q70; 53Z05
AbstractKeywords: Lorentzian hypersurface; $L_1$-biconservative; Lorentz-Minkowski spaceMSC: 53C43; 53C40; 53C42; 58B25
AbstractKeywords: generalized Bernoulli polynomials; Gegenbauer polynomials; GBG polynomials; inversion formula; matrix representations; matrix-inversion formulaMSC: 11B83; 11C08; 33B99
AbstractKeywords: Mastroianni operator; modulus of continuity; Gupta operatorMSC: 41A25; 41A35
AbstractKeywords: spectral graph theory; Smith graphs; cospectrality graphsMSC: 05C50
AbstractKeywords: Timoshenko system; distributed delay; energy methode; infinite historyMSC: 35B40; 74H40; 74H55; 93D20
AbstractKeywords: lightlike hypersurfaces; affine conformal vector fields; Lorentzian manifoldsMSC: 53C25; 53C40; 53C50