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Front Page FilomatPublisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, NišISSN: 0354-5180Issue: 34_2Date: 2020Journal Homepage

Topological approach for rough sets by using J-nearly concepts via ideals 273 - 286
Mona Hosny  
AbstractKeywords: Topological spaces; ideals; I-J-nearly open sets; I-J-nearly approximationsMSC: 03E99; 54A05DOI: 10.2298/FIL2002273H
Idealization of j-approximation spaces 287 - 301
Mona Hosny  
AbstractKeywords: Topological spaces; ideals; j-neighbourhood spaces; j-approximations spacesMSC: 03E99; 54A05; 54A10DOI: 10.2298/FIL2002287H
A non-iterative reconstruction method for bioluminescence tomography 303 - 321
Mourad Hrizi  
AbstractKeywords: Bioluminescence tomography; Inverse source problem; Topological sensitivity analysis; Kohn-Vogelius formulation; Calculus of variationsMSC: 35A15; 35B20; 49K40; 65R32DOI: 10.2298/FIL2002303H
Generalized contraction involving an open ball and common fixed point of multivalued mappings in ordered dislocated quasi metric spaces 323 - 338
Abdullah Shoaib, Imran Shahzad Khan and Zahoor Ul Hassan  
AbstractKeywords: common fixed point; left (right) K-sequentially complete ordered dislocated quasi metric space; open ball; multivalued mappings; generalized contractionMSC: 47H10; 54H25; 46S40DOI: 10.2298/FIL2002323S
Some existence theorems for semilinear Neumann problems with Landesman-Lazer condition revisited 339 - 350
Sheng Ma, Zhihua Hu, Jing Jin and Qin Jiang  
AbstractKeywords: elliptic equations; Neumann problems; critical point; Landesman-Lazer condition; Saddle point TheoremMSC: 35J20; 35J25; 35B34; 35B38DOI: 10.2298/FIL2002339M
Uniqueness polynomials for holomorphic curves into the complex projective space 351 - 356
Liu Yang  
AbstractKeywords: uniqueness polynomials; holomorphic curves; hypersurfaces; meromorphic functionsMSC: 32A10; 32C10; 32H20DOI: 10.2298/FIL2002351Y
Reciprocal power GCDQ matrices and power LCMQ matrices defined on factor closed sets over Euclidean domains 357 - 363
Y A Awad, H Chehade and R Mghames  
AbstractKeywords: Reciprocal power GCDQ matrix; power LCMQ matrix; factor-closed sets; Euclidean domainsMSC: 11C20; 15A15; 15A23; 15A09DOI: 10.2298/FIL2002357A
Inner differentiability and differential forms on tangentially locally linearly independent sets 365 - 372
Aneta Velkoska and Zoran Misajleski  
AbstractKeywords: TLLI - tangentially locally linearly independent set; diferential form; exact form; closed formMSC: 26B05DOI: 10.2298/FIL2002365V
Steffensen type inequalities for anti-symmetrized monotone functions 373 - 377
Marjan Praljak  
AbstractKeywords: Steffensen’s inequality; anti-symmetrized functionsMSC: 26D99DOI: 10.2298/FIL2002373P
Rational averaged gauss quadrature rules 379 - 389
Lothar Reichel, Miodrag M Spalević and Jelena D Tomanović  
AbstractKeywords: Rational averaged Gauss quadrature; Rational generalized averaged Gauss quadrature; Error estimations of rational Gauss quadratureMSC: 65D30; 65D32DOI: 10.2298/FIL2002379R
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