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Front Page FilomatPublisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, NišISSN: 0354-5180Issue: 37_3Date: 2023Journal Homepage

Further refinement of young's type inequalities and its reversed using the Kantorovich constants 675 - 688
Mohamed Amine Ighachane and Mohamed Akkouchi  
AbstractKeywords: Young’s type inequality; Operator inequality; Kantorovich constants; TraceMSC: 15A60; 47A30DOI: 10.2298/FIL2303675I
On generalized implicit equilibrium problems 689 - 698
A P Farajzadeh and P Zangenehmehr  
AbstractKeywords: Equilibrium problem; Implicit vector equilibrium problem; KKM mapping; Upper semicontinuous mappingMSC: 91B50DOI: 10.2298/FIL2303689F
Reverse order law for generalized inverses with indefinite Hermitian weights 699 - 709
K Kamaraj, P Sam Johnson and Athira Satheesh  
AbstractKeywords: Moore-Penrose inverse; Reverse order law; Indefinite inner product space; Weighted generalized inverseMSC: 15A09; 15A24; 46C20DOI: 10.2298/FIL2303699K
Simulations and bisimulations for fuzzy multimodal logics over Heyting algebras 711 - 743
Marko Stanković, Miroslav Ćirić and Jelena Ignjatović  
AbstractKeywords: Fuzzy simulation; Fuzzy bisimulation; Many-Valued Multimodal Logic; Heyting algebras; Afterset Kripke modelMSC: 03B45; 03B50; 03B52; 03E72; 68Q85DOI: 10.2298/FIL2303711S
Existence and uniqueness of global solutions for non-autonomous evolution equations with state-dependent nonlocal conditions 745 - 759
Jianbo Zhu  
AbstractKeywords: Non-autonomous evolution equation; evolution operator; fixed point theorem; state-dependent nonlocal conditionMSC:  37B55; 47H10; 49J27; 74G25; 74G30DOI: 10.2298/FIL2303745Z
Reconstruction of green's function for multiplicative Sturm-Liouville problem 761 - 773
Emrah Yilmaz, Tuba Gulsen and Sertac Goktas  
AbstractKeywords: Multiplicative calculus; Green’s function; multiplicative Sturm-Liouville equation; eigenfunction; Eeigenvalue; Wronskian; Boundary value problemMSC: 11D57; 15A18; 34B09; 34B24; 34B27; 34L10DOI: 10.2298/FIL2303761Y
Solid Cauchy transform on the weighted poly-Bergman spaces 775 - 788
R El Harti, A Elkachkouri and A Ghanmi  
AbstractKeywords: Disc polynomials; Weighted true Poly-Bergman spaces; Reproducing kernel; Weighted solid Cauchy transformMSC: 45E05; 30E20; 46E22; 33C45DOI: 10.2298/FIL2303775H
A note on an integral operator induced by Zygmund function 789 - 796
Fangming Cai and Qin Zhang  
AbstractKeywords: Integral operator; Zygmund function; Kernel function; Quasiconformal deformationMSC: 30C62DOI: 10.2298/FIL2303789C
Estimates on some functionals over non-linear resolvents 797 - 808
Mark Elin and Fiana Jacobzon  
AbstractKeywords: Non-linear resolvent; Fekete-Szegö problem; Coefficient estimates; Semi-complete vector field; SubordinationMSC: 30C50; 30A10DOI: 10.2298/FIL2303797E
Maximum principle for forward-backward partially observed optimal control of stochastic systems with delay 809 - 832
Ali Delavarkhalafi, A S Fatemion Aghda and Mahdieh Tahmasebi  
AbstractKeywords: Forward-backward stochastic delay differential equations (FBSDDEs); Stochastic optimal control; Maximum principle; Ekeland’s variational principle; Partially observed noiseMSC: 60 H10.DOI: 10.2298/FIL2303809D
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