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Front Page FilomatPublisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, NišISSN: 0354-5180Issue: 37_3Date: 2023Journal Homepage

Operators with complex gaussian kernels: asymptotic behaviours 833 - 838
B J González and E R Negrín  
AbstractKeywords: Abelian theorems; Complex Gaussian kernels; Asymptotic behaviours; Gauss-Weierstrass semigroupMSC: 47G07; 46E30DOI: 10.2298/FIL2303833G
A study on q-analogue of Catalan sequence spaces 839 - 850
Taja Yaying, Merve Ìlkhan Kara, Bipan Hazarika and Emran Evren Kara  
AbstractKeywords: Sequence space; q-Catalan matrix; Schauder basis; α-; β-; γ-duals; Matrix mappings; Compact operator; Hausdorff measure of non-compactnessMSC: 46A45; 46B45; 47B07DOI: 10.2298/FIL2303839Y
Starlikness associated with limacon 851 - 862
Khadija Bano and Mohsan Raza  
AbstractKeywords: Analytic functions; Sstarlike functions; Radii problems; LimaconMSC: 30C45; 30C50DOI: 10.2298/FIL2303851B
Least-squares solutions of the generalized reduced biquaternion matrix equations 863 - 870
Yong Tian, Xin Liu and Yang Zhang  
AbstractKeywords: Generalized (reduced) biquaternions; Real representation; Least-squares problem; Matrix equationMSC: 15B33; 15A24DOI: 10.2298/FIL2303863T
The forward order law for Moore-Penrose inverse of multiple matrix product 871 - 881
Wanna Zhou, Zhiping Xiong and Yingying Qin  
AbstractKeywords: Generalized inverse; Moore-Penrose inverse; Forward order law; Matrix product; Rank equalityMSC: 15A09; 15A24; 65F05DOI: 10.2298/FIL2303871Z
New characterizations of partial isometries in rings 883 - 889
Qingbing Xu, Long Wang and Junchao Wei  
AbstractKeywords: Partial isometry; EP element; Solutions of equationMSC: 15A09; 16U99; 16W10DOI: 10.2298/FIL2303883X
Stability of relative essential spectra involving relative demicompactness concept in Banach subalgebra 891 - 903
Slim Chelly  
AbstractKeywords: Banach algebra; Fredholm theory; Demicompactness theory; Essential spectraMSC: 47A13; 47L10; 47A25; 47B48DOI: 10.2298/FIL2303891C
Certain curves along Riemannian submersions 905 - 913
Gözde Özkan Tükel, Bayram Şahin and Tunahan Turhan  
AbstractKeywords: Circle; Helix; Geodesic; Riemannian submersion; O’Neill’s tensors; Second fundamental form; Isotropic submersionMSC: 53B20; 58D17DOI: 10.2298/FIL2303905O
Reeb lie derivatives on real hypersurfaces in complex hyperbolic two-plane Grassmannians 915 - 924
Eunmi Pak and Gyu Jong Kim  
AbstractKeywords: Real hypersurface; Complex hyperbolic two-plane Grassmannian; Hopf hypersurface; Generalized Tanaka-Webster connection; Structure Jacobi operator; Generalized Tanaka-Webster Lie derivativeMSC: 53C40; 53C15DOI: 10.2298/FIL2303915P
On the solvability of a semiperiodic boundary value problem for a pseudohyperbolic equation 925 - 933
N T Orumbayeva and T D Tokmagambetova  
AbstractKeywords: Pseudohyperbolic equation; Boundary value problem; Algorithm; Approximate solutionMSC: 39A10; 39A70; 47B39; 26D15DOI: 10.2298/FIL2303925O
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