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Front Page FilomatPublisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, NišISSN: 0354-5180Issue: 36_9Date: 2022Journal Homepage

On sufficiency and duality for multiobjective programming problems using convexificators 3119 - 3139
Pushkar Jaisawal and Vivek Laha  
AbstractKeywords: Convexificators; Duality; Generalized convexity; Multiobjective programming; Nonsmooth analysis; Saddle-pointMSC: 90C26; 90C29; 90C30; 90C46; 49N15DOI: 10.2298/FIL2209119J
Weighted composition operators and differences of composition operators between weighted Bergman spaces on the ball 3141 - 3154
Junfeng Li and Cezhong Tong  
AbstractKeywords: weighted composition operators; differences; essential norm; Carleson measuresMSC: 47B33; 32A36; 47B38DOI: 10.2298/FIL2209141L
Fixed point results under nonlinear Suzuki (F, R )-contractions with an application 3155 - 3165
Mohammad Arif and Mohammad Imdad  
AbstractKeywords: amorphous binary relations; nonlinear Suzuki (F; R; )-contractions; R-connected setsMSC: 47H10; 54H25DOI: 10.2298/FIL2209155A
Adjoint of a weighted composite difference operator on l 2 (r) 3167 - 3171
Sushma Chib and B S Komal  
AbstractKeywords: Radon-Nikodym derivative; sigma algebra; non singular measurable transformationMSC: 40A05; 40C05; 40D25DOI: 10.2298/FIL2209167C
Algorithms of common solutions to modified generalized system of variational inclusion problem and hierarchical fixed point problem 3173 - 3188
Araya Kheawborisut and Atid Kangtunyakarn  
AbstractKeywords: System of variational inclusion problem; Hierarchical fixed point problem; nonexpansive mappingMSC: 47J22; 47H05DOI: 10.2298/FIL2209173K
Schatten class of Berezin transform on Fock spaces 3189 - 3196
Djordjije Vujadinović  
AbstractKeywords: Fock space; Berezin transform; Schatten normMSC: 47B34; 30D20; 46E22DOI: 10.2298/FIL2209189V
An extension of Hirano inverses in Banach algebras 3197 - 3206
Ali Ghaffari, Tahere Haddadi and Marjan Sheibani Abdolyousefi  
AbstractKeywords: Drazin inverse; π−Hirano inverse; additive property; operator matrix; perturbationMSC: 15A09; 32A65; 16E50DOI: 10.2298/FIL2209197G
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