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Front Page FilomatPublisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, NišISSN: 0354-5180Issue: 33_14Date: 2019Journal Homepage

On the generalizations of some factors theorems for infinite series and Fourier series 4343 - 4351
Şebnem Yıldıza  
AbstractKeywords: Riesz mean; absolute matrix summability; summability factors; infinite series; Fourier series; Hölder inequality; Minkowski inequality; sequence spaceMSC: 26D15; 40D15; 40F05; 40G99; 42A24DOI: 10.2298/FIL1914343Y
Some upper bounds for the Berezin number of Hilbert space operators 4353 - 4360
Ali Taghavi, Tahere Azimi Roushan and Vahid Darvish  
AbstractKeywords: Berezin number; Numerical radius; Geometric meanMSC: 47A30; 15A60; 47B20DOI: 10.2298/FIL1914353T
On the mixed-type generalized inverses of the products of two operators 4361 - 4376
Rufang Liu, Haiyan Zhang and Chunyuan Deng  
AbstractKeywords: block-operator matrix; generalized inverse; Mixed-type generalized inverseMSC: 15A09; 47A05DOI: 10.2298/FIL1914361L
On refinements of some integral inequalities for differentiable prequasiinvex functions 4377 - 4385
Serap Özcan  
AbstractKeywords: Hermite-Hadamard inequality; invex set; preinvex function; prequasiinvex; Hölder’s integral inequality; power-mean inequality; Hölder-Işcan integral inequalityMSC: 26D15; 26D20; 26D07DOI: 10.2298/FIL1914377O
Realizing brachistochronic planar motion of a variable mass nonholonomic mechanical system by an ideal holonomic constraint with restricted reaction 4387 - 4401
Bojan Jeremić, Radoslav Radulović, Nemanja Zorić and Milan Dražić  
AbstractKeywords: Brachistochrone; variable mass; mechanical system; nonholonomic constraints; holonomic constraints; restricted reactions; Pontryagin’s maximum principle; optimal controlMSC: 49K15; 49M30DOI: 10.2298/FIL1914387J
Composite steepest-descent method for the triple hierarchical variational inequalities 4403 - 4419
Lu-Chuan Ceng, Jen-Chih Yao and Yonghong Yao  
AbstractKeywords: Hybrid extragradient viscosity approach; Triple hierarchical variational inequality; Nonexpansive mapping; Inverse- strong monotonicityMSC: 49J30; 47H09; 47J20; 49M05DOI: 10.2298/FIL1914403C
Lp -dual affine surface areas for the general Lp -intersection bodies 4421 - 4428
Juan Zhang and Weidong Wang  
AbstractKeywords: general Lp-intersection body; Lp-dual affine surface area; extremum value; Brunn-Minkowski type inequality; monotone inequalityMSC: 52A40; 52A39; 52A20DOI: 10.2298/FIL1914421Z
Remarks on the eigenpairs of some Jacobi matrices 4429 - 4431
Carlos M Da Fonseca  
AbstractKeywords: eigenvalues; tridiagonal matrices; Jacobi matricesMSC: 15A18DOI: 10.2298/FIL1914429D
Boundary behavior of Berezin symbols and related results 4433 - 4439
Mubariz T Garayev, Mehmet Gürdal, Ulaş Yamancı and Borhen Halouani  
AbstractKeywords: Blaschke sequence; Berezin symbol; Compact operator; Truncated Toeplitz operator; TraceMSC: 47B35; 47B10DOI: 10.2298/FIL1914433G
The G-connected property and G-topological groups 4441 - 4450
Yongxing Wu and Fucai Lin  
AbstractKeywords: G-methods; G-closed; G-interior; G-connected; G-topological group; G-openMSC: 40J05; 22A05; 54A05DOI: 10.2298/FIL1914441W
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