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Front Page FilomatPublisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, NišISSN: 0354-5180Issue: 33_13Date: 2019Journal Homepage

Well-posedness results for a sixth-order logarithmic Boussinesq equation 3985 - 4000
Erhan Pişkin and Nazlı Irkıl  
AbstractKeywords: Global existence; Blow up; Decay of solution; Logarithmic nonlinearity; Boussinesq equationMSC: 35A01; 35B40; 35B44; 35L25DOI: 10.2298/FIL1913985P
Generalized para-Kähler spaces in Eisenhart's sense admitting a holomorphically projective mapping 4001 - 4012
Miloš Z Petrović  
AbstractKeywords: Generalized Riemannian space; generalized para-Kähler space; holomorphically projective mapping; equitorsion mapping; invariant geometric objectMSC: 53B05; 53B20; 53B35DOI: 10.2298/FIL1913001P
On [p, q]-order of growth of solutions of complex linear differential equations near a singular point 4013 - 4020
Jianren Long and Sangui Zeng  
AbstractKeywords: Complex differential equation; [p; q]-order of growth; [p; q]-type; analytic function; near a singular pointMSC: 34M10; 30D35DOI: 10.2298/FIL1913013L
Relative cyclic subgroup commutativity degrees of finite groups 4021 - 4032
Mihai-Silviu Lazorec  
AbstractKeywords: relative cyclic subgroup commutativity degree; cyclic subgroup commutativity degree; relative subgroup commutativity degree; poset of cyclic subgroupsMSC: 20P05; 20D60; 20D30DOI: 10.2298/FIL1913021L
Characterization theorems on warped product semi-slant submanifolds in Kenmotsu manifolds 4033 - 4043
Akram Ali, Siraj Uddin and Ali H Alkhaldi  
AbstractKeywords: Warped product; extrinsic sphere; slant immersion; semi-slant; Kenmotsu manifoldMSC: 53C40; 53C42; 53B25DOI: 10.2298/FIL1913033A
Wiener-type invariants and Hamiltonian properties of graphs 4045 - 4058
Qiannan Zhou, Ligong Wang and Yong Lu  
AbstractKeywords: Wiener-type invariant; Hamiltonian; Hamilton-connected; traceable from every vertexMSC: 05C50; 05C45; 05C07DOI: 10.2298/FIL1913045Z
A generalization on character Connes-amenability 4059 - 4070
Behrouz Shojaee  
AbstractKeywords: Approximately inner; Character Connes amenability; Approximate character amenablility; DerivationMSC: 46H25; 46H20; 46H35DOI: 10.2298/FIL1913059S
Sequential warped products: curvature and conformal vector fields 4071 - 4083
Uday Chand De, Sameh Shenawy and Bülent Ünal  
AbstractKeywords: Warped product manifold; space-times; curvature; Killing vector fields; geodesics; concircular vector fieldsMSC: 53C21; 53C25; 53C50; 53C80DOI: 10.2298/FIL1913071D
K-metric antidimension of some generalized Petersen graphs 4085 - 4093
Jozef Kratica, Vera Kovačević-Vujčić and Mirjana Čangalović  
AbstractKeywords: Generalized Petersen graphs; k-metric antidimension; Graph theoryMSC: 05C12; 05C07DOI: 10.2298/FIL1913085K
Recovery of dipolar sources and stability estimates 4095 - 4114
Ridha Mdimagh  
AbstractKeywords: Heat equation; Inverse problem; Dipolar sources; Moments; Identifiability; Stability; Reciprocity gap functionalMSC: 49N45; 65L09; 65M32; 65N21DOI: 10.2298/FIL1913095M
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