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Front Page FilomatPublisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, NišISSN: 0354-5180Issue: 32_19Date: 2018Journal Homepage

The extremal ranks and inertias of matrix expressions with respect to generalized reflexive and anti-reflexive matrices with applications 6653 - 6666
Xifu Liu  
AbstractKeywords: Extremal rank and inertia; Reflexive and anti-reflexive matrices; Reflexive and anti-reflexive solutions; Matrix equation; Matrix inequalityMSC: 15A03; 15A24; 15A39DOI: 10.2298/FIL1819653L
On one class eigenvalue problem with eigenvalue parameter in the boundary condition at one end-point 6667 - 6674
Nigar M Aslanova, Mamed Bayramoglu and Khalig M Aslanov  
AbstractKeywords: Hilbert space; differential operator equation; self-adjoint operator; discrete spectrum; regularized traceMSC: 34B05; 34G20; 34L20; 47A05; 34L05; 47A10DOI: 10.2298/FIL1819667A
Hyper BL-algebras 6675 - 6689
Xiao Long Xin, Yu Xi Zou and Jian Ming Zhan  
AbstractKeywords: hyper BL-algebra; quotient hyper BL-algebra; weak filter; weak deductive systemMSC: 06F99; 08A72DOI: 10.2298/FIL1819675X
Order-Lipschitz mappings restricted with linear bounded mappings in normed vector spaces without normalities of involving cones via methods of upper and lower solutions 6691 - 6698
Shujun Jiang and Zhilong Li  
AbstractKeywords: Fixed point theorem; order-Lipschitz mapping; Picard-complete; non-normal cone; method of upper and lower solutionsMSC: 06A07; 47H10DOI: 10.2298/FIL1819691J
Normal ω-subgroups 6699 - 6711
Omalkhear Salem Almabruk Bleblou, Branimir Šešelja and Andreja Tepavčević  
AbstractKeywords: fuzzy algebra; fuzzy group; fuzzy identity; fuzzy congruence; fuzzy equality; complete latticeMSC: 08A72; 03E72DOI: 10.2298/FIL1819699B
Cartesian product graphs and k-tuple total domination 6713 - 6731
Adel P Kazemi, Behnaz Pahlavsay and Rebecca J Stones  
AbstractKeywords: k-tuple total domination; Cartesian product of graphs; rook’s graph; Vizing’s conjectureMSC: 05C69DOI: 10.2298/FIL1819713K
A sharper form of half-discrete Hilbert inequality related to Hardy inequality 6733 - 6740
Nizar Kh Al-Oushoush, L E Azar and Ahmad H A Bataineh  
AbstractKeywords: Hilbert inequality; H¨older inequality; half-discrete inequality; Hardy inequalityMSC: 26D15DOI: 10.2298/FIL1819733N
zc-Ideals and Prime Ideals in the Ring RcL 6741 - 6752
A A Estaji, A Karimi Feizabadi and M Robat Sarpoushi  
AbstractKeywords: Frame; Ring of real-valued continuous functions; Cozero element; z-Ideal; zc-Ideal; Prime ideal; f -ringMSC: 06D22; 13A15; 54C05; 54C30DOI: 10.2298/FIL1819741E
Best proximity coincidence point theorems for generalized non-linear contraction mappings 6753 - 6768
Somayya Komal, Poom Kumam, Konrawut Khammahawong and Kanokwan Sitthithakerngkiet  
AbstractKeywords: α-proximal admissible; Best proximity Coincidence point; P-propertyMSC: 47H10; 54H25DOI: 10.2298/FIL1819753K
Laguerre-Freud equations associated with the h q -semiclassical forms of class one 6769 - 6787
Mohamed Zaatra  
AbstractKeywords: Orthogonal polynomials; q-difference operator; Hq-semiclassical formsMSC: 33C45; 42C05DOI: 10.2298/FIL1819769Z
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