Computer Science and Information SystemsPublisher: ComSIS Consortium, Novi SadISSN: 1820-0214Issue: 9_1Date: 2012Journal Homepage |
AbstractKeywords: Multimedia Content Recommendation, Personalization, DISC Model, Dynamic Environmental ContextMSC: 68U35 91E99
AbstractKeywords: structured representation, learning, text processing, natural language understanding, regular languagesMSC: 68T50 68T30
AbstractKeywords: vehicle routing problems, genetic algorithm, evolutionary computation, combinatorial optimizationMSC: 68T20 90C27
AbstractKeywords: native XML databases, XML query optimization, query algebrasMSC: 68P15 68Q65
AbstractKeywords: database design, decision support, Analytic Hierarchy Process, object-relational database, SQLMSC: 68P15 68U35
AbstractKeywords: Enterprise Information Systems (EIS), fuzzy logic, continuous improvement, urbanization, governance, reactivity, POIRE framework, agility dimensions, agility evaluation, regulation and preservationMSC: 68U35 03B52
AbstractKeywords: business information systems development, development methodology, decision modelMSC: 68U35 68N30
AbstractKeywords: Software Development Methodologies, Enterprise Performance, SDM Adoption, Evaluation ApproachMSC: 68N19 68N30
AbstractKeywords: Enterprise Architecture, Technical Architecture, Operating model, Development, ImplementationMSC: 68N19 68N30
AbstractKeywords: Workflow management, structured workflows, unstructured workflows, modeling prerequisite relationships, and-splitsMSC: 68R10 68N30