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Front Page Computer Science and Information SystemsPublisher: ComSIS Consortium, Novi SadISSN: 1820-0214Issue: 9_2Date: 2012Journal Homepage

Building XML-Driven Application Generators with Compiler Construction Tools 485 - 504
Antonio Sarasa-Cabezuelo, Bryan Temprado-Battad, Daniel Rodríguez Cerezo and José-Luis Sierra  
AbstractKeywords: Application Generators, Compiler Construction Tools, XML Processing, Software Development ApproachMSC: 68N20 68N19
Towards Understanding of Classes versus Data Types in Conceptual Modeling and UML 506 - 538
Dragan Milićev  
AbstractKeywords: conceptual modeling, Unified Modeling Language (UML), formal semantics, class, data type, entity, relationship, object identity, identification, association, attributeMSC: 68N19 68P05
Specification of Data Schema Mappings using Weaving Models 539 - 559
Nenad Aničić, Siniša Nešković, Milica Vučković and Radovan Cvetković  
AbstractKeywords: schema mappings, weaving models, model transformationsMSC: 68N30 68T35
A Scale for Crawler Effectiveness on the Client-Side Hidden Web 561 - 583
Vıctor M. Prieto, Manuel Alvarez, Rafael Lopez-Garcıa and Fidel Cacheda  
AbstractKeywords: Web Search, Crawlers, Hidden Web, Web Spam, JavaScriptMSC: 68M11 68M20
Wavelet trees: a survey 585 - 625
Christos Makris  
AbstractKeywords: information retrieval, text algorithms, data structuresMSC: 68P20 68P05
Impact of Personnel Factors on the Recovery of Delayed Software Projects: A System Dynamics Approach 627 - 652
Mostafa Farshchi, Yusmadi Yah Jusoh and Masrah Azrifah Azmi Murad  
AbstractKeywords: software project management, personnel factors, system dynamics, schedule delayMSC: 68N99 68N30
A New Strategic Tool for Internal Audit of the Company Based on Fuzzy Logic 653 - 666
Aleksandar Pešić, Duška Pešić and Andreja Tepavčević  
AbstractKeywords: Internal factors, fuzzy sets, IFE, FSIFMSC: 68U35 03B52
Experimental investigation of the quality and productivity of Software Factories based development 667 - 689
Andrej Krajnc, Marjan Heričko, Črt Gerlec, Uroš Goljat and Gregor Polančič  
AbstractKeywords: software factories approach, benefits, quality, productivity, experimentMSC: 68N19 68N30
Nearest Neighbor Voting in High Dimensional Data: Learning from Past Occurrences 691 - 712
Nenad Tomasev and Dunja Mladenic  
AbstractKeywords: k-nearest neighbor, curse of dimensionality, hubness, neighbor occurrence models, self-information, fuzzy, votingMSC: 62H30 68T05
AKNOBAS: A Knowledge-based Segmentation Recommender System based on Intelligent Data Mining Techniques 713 - 740
Alejandro Rodríguez-González, Javier Torres-Niño, Enrique Jimenez-Domingo, Juan M. Gomez-Berbis and Giner Alor-Hernandez  
AbstractKeywords: Data Mining, Clustering, Information Systems, Artificial Intelligence, Use CaseMSC: 68T05 62H30
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