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Front Page Zbornik RadovaPublisher: Matematički institut SANU, BeogradISSN: 0351-9406Issue: 21(29)Date: 2024

Preface 5 - 6
Vesna Todorčević  
Pythagorean music theory 7 - 22
Zoran Lučić  
AbstractKeywords: arithmetic of intervals; continued proportions; numerical ratios of concords; whole tones and semitones; scaleMSC: 01A20DOI:
The Twelve Magnificents 23 - 39
Zvonimir Šikić  
AbstractKeywords: interval; scale; tuning; temperament; continued fractionMSC: 00A65DOI:
Relics of the First Sound Waves in the Cosmos Through Soundsculptures 41 - 67
Edi Bon and Ivan Bon  
AbstractKeywords: sound sculptures; early universe; Big Beng; cosmic microwave background radiation; CMBR; barion acoustic oscilations; BAO; resonatorsMSC: 85A40; 00A66; 97M80DOI:
Smooth Numbers in Music and Architecture 69 - 74
Filip D. Jevtić  
AbstractKeywords: musical scales; PalladioMSC: 00A65; 00A67DOI:
Liszt's Sonata in B minor and Transcendence 75 - 90
Stefan G. Ivković  
AbstractKeywords: Liszt's Sonata in B minor; Faust; Petar II Petrović Njegoš; Vladislav Petković Dis; commuting diagramsMSC: 00A65; 00A99DOI:
Mathematical Modeling in Music Composition: Strategies, Insights & Perspectives 91 - 100
Fani Kosona  
AbstractKeywords: mathematical modeling; music composition; musical form; structural space of music composition; musical parameters; algorithmic processesMSC: 00A65DOI:
Allusions and Illusions. György Ligeti, Drawing, Mathematics and Music 101 - 108
Karol Beffa  
AbstractKeywords: music; engraving; fractals; Giovanni Battista Piranesi; Maurits Cornelis Escher; Benoît Mandelbrot; Douglas R. HofstadterMSC: 00A65; 00A66DOI:
The Early Greek Notions of Harmony and Symmetry 109 - 124
Noel Putnik  
AbstractKeywords: harmonía; symmetría; métron; the harmony of the spheres; musica universalis; Homer; Heraclitus; Plato; PythagoreanismMSC: 00A65; 01A20DOI:
De Institutione Musica: Boethius' Ancient Sources and Reception History 125 - 154
Saša Popović  
AbstractKeywords: Boethius; mathematical foundations of music; Pythagorean quadrivium; Quellenforschung; Textgeschichte; RezeptionsgeschichteMSC: 00A65; 01A20; 01A75DOI:
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