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Front Page Theoretical and Applied MechanicsPublisher: Serbian Society of Mechanics and Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, BeogradISSN: 1450-5584Issue: 46_1Date: 2019Journal Homepage

Sergey Alexeyevich Chaplygin  
Vladimir Dragović  
On the dynamics of systems with one-sided non-integrable constraints 1 - 14
Valery V. Kozlov  
AbstractKeywords: non-integrable constraints; servoconstraints; non-holonomic mechanics; vakonomic mechanics; one-sided constraint; unilateral constraintMSC: 70F25; 70H45DOI:
Cartan meets Chaplygin 15 - 46
Kurt M. Ehlers and Jair Koiller  
AbstractKeywords: nonholonomic systems; reduction; hamiltonization; Cartan equivalenceMSC: 37J60; 53D15; 70F25; 70G45; 70H45DOI:
Singularities of integrable Liouville systems, reduction of integrals to lower degree and topological billiards: recent results 47 - 63
A. T. Fomenko and V. V. Vedyushkina  
AbstractKeywords: integrable systems; topological billiards; Liouville equivalence; Minkowski space; geodesic flows; Fomenko--Zieschang invariantsMSC: 37J15; 37J35DOI:
Hamiltonisation, measure preservation and first integrals of the multi-dimensional rubber Routh sphere 65 - 88
Luis C. García-Naranjo  
AbstractKeywords: nonholonomic systems; Hamiltonisation; multi-dimensional rigid body dynamics; symmetries and reduction; Chaplygin systemsMSC: 37J60; 70G45DOI:
Admissibility of a solution to generalized Chaplygin gas 89 - 96
Marko Nedeljkov  
AbstractKeywords: generalized Chaplygin model; delta shocks; fluc perturbationMSC: 35L67; 35L67; 76L05DOI:
Note on a ball rolling over a sphere: integrable Chaplygin system with an invariant measure without Chaplygin Hamiltonization 97 - 108
Božidar Jovanović  
AbstractKeywords: nonholonomic Chaplygin systems; invariant measure; integrabilityMSC: 37J60; 37J15; 70E18DOI:

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