Novi Sad Journal of MathematicsPublisher: Department of Mathematics and Informatics,
Faculty of Sciences, Novi SadISSN: 1450-5444 (Print), 2406-2014 (Online)Issue: 30_1Date: 2000Journal Homepage |
AbstractKeywords: uniform autoregressive processes; random coefficients; conditional least squares; strong consistency; asymptotic normalityMSC: 62M10
AbstractKeywords: $\Gamma$-semiring; operator semiring of a $\Gamma$-semiring; semiprime ideal; irreducible ideal; prime radical of an ideal; regular $\Gamma$-semiringMSC: 16Y60; 16Y99
AbstractKeywords: Fourier coefficients; periodic hyperfunctions; generalized hyperfunctions; ultrametric distanceMSC: 30A99; 42A16; 46F15; 54E35; 54H13
AbstractKeywords: combinatorial optimization; convex lattice polygonMSC: 05D05; 11H06; 52C05
AbstractKeywords: stochastic differential equation; parametric perturbations; closeness in the (2m)-th meanMSC: 60H10
AbstractKeywords: quaternion valued functions; quaternion valuedMSC: 46J10 46E15; 46G10
AbstractKeywords: singular perturbation; boundary value problem; Bakhvalov type mesh; finite differences; Newton's methodMSC: 65L10
AbstractKeywords: ultradistributions; ultrapolynomials; Wigner distribution; modulation spaces; pseudodifferential operatorsMSC: 46F05; 47B38; 47G30
AbstractKeywords: Drazin inverse; determinantal representation; minimal P-norm solutionMSC: 15A09
AbstractKeywords: mild solution; Picard approximations; Hausdorff measure of noncompactnessMSC: 60H15