Novi Sad Journal of MathematicsPublisher: Department of Mathematics and Informatics,
Faculty of Sciences, Novi SadISSN: 1450-5444 (Print), 2406-2014 (Online)Issue: 19_2Date: 1989Journal Homepage |
AbstractKeywords: $p(3;-1)$-Finsler connections; horizontal and vertical distribution of T(TM)MSC: 53B40
AbstractKeywords: conformal change of Riemannlan metric; conformal curvature tensor; conformally symmetric spaceMSC: 53B20; 53B21
AbstractKeywords: conformal transformations; harmonic vector field; concircularlty condition; conformal curvature tensor conclrcular curvature tensorMSC: 70G05
AbstractKeywords: regular general connection; curvature tensor; adjoint Riemannian space. isotropic vector; adjoint pseudo-Riemannlan space; indefinite metricsMSC: 53B15
AbstractKeywords: S-word; Catalan numbersMSC: 05A15
AbstractKeywords: tournament; unavoidable subgraphMSC: 05C20
AbstractKeywords: fuzzy sets; latticesMSC: 03E72; 06C15
AbstractKeywords: CEP; weak congruencesMSC: 08B10
AbstractKeywords: pseudo-Boolean functions; partial derivatives of pseudo Boolean functions; functional equations of pseudo-Boolean functionsMSC: 47A60
AbstractKeywords: bisemilattices; near-latticesMSC: 20N99