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Front Page FilomatPublisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, NišISSN: 0354-5180Issue: 36_4Date: 2022Journal Homepage

Geometrical and physical properties of W 2 -symmetric and -recurrent manifolds 1195 - 1202
Di Zhao and Talyun Ho  
AbstractKeywords: W2-symmetric space; W2-recurrent space; Einstein space; Hypersurfaces; Concircular vector fieldsMSC: 53C25; 53A30; 57N16DOI: 10.2298/FIL2204195Z
Quasi-Yamabe solitons and almost quasi-Yamabe solitons on lightlike hypersurfaces 1203 - 1214
Arfah Arfah  
AbstractKeywords: lightlike hypersurface; torse-forming vector field; screen homothetic; quasi-Yamabe soliton; almost quasi-Yamabe solitonMSC: 53C50; 53C25DOI: 10.2298/FIL2204203A
Existence of solutions for non-autonomous second-order stochastic inclusions with Clarke's subdifferential and non instantaneous impulses 1215 - 1230
Anjali Upadhyay and Surendra Kumar  
AbstractKeywords: Second-order non-autonomous system; stochastic evolution inclusions; Fixed point; Rosenblatt process; Infinite delay; Clarke‘s generalized subdifferential; Mild solutionMSC: 34A12; 34A37; 34A60; 35K30; 60H10DOI: 10.2298/FIL2204215U
Integral operators on local Orlicz-Morrey spaces 1231 - 1243
Tat-Leung Yee, Ka-Luen Cheung and Kwok-Pun Ho  
AbstractKeywords: Orlicz spaces; Morrey spaces; extrapolation; Calderón-Zygmund operators; oscillatory singular integral operators; singular integral operators with rough kernels; Marcinkiewicz integralsMSC: 42B25; 42B35; 46E30DOI: 10.2298/FIL2204231Y
A new method of constructing weak crossed products 1245 - 1253
Quan-Guo Chen  
AbstractKeywords: Hopf algebra; crossed product; monoidal categoryMSC: 16W30DOI: 10.2298/FIL2204245C
Further study on induced l-convex spaces 1255 - 1267
Chengyu Liang and Jinyan Wang  
AbstractKeywords: L-convex spaces; induced L-convex spaces; separation axioms; quotient spaceMSC: 52A01; 03E72DOI: 10.2298/FIL2204255L
Matrix pencils completions under double rank restrictions 1269 - 1293
Marija Dodig  
AbstractKeywords: Completion of matrix pencils; rank restrictionsMSC: 15A83; 05A17DOI: 10.2298/FIL2204269D
On the boundary and global behavior of mappings of Riemannian surfaces 1295 - 1327
Evgeny Sevost 'yanov  
AbstractKeywords: Quasiconformal mappings; moduli; Riemannian surfacesMSC: 30C65; 32U20; 31B15DOI: 10.2298/FIL2204295S
A new characterization of the closure of Dirichlet type spaces d s in Bloch spaces and interpolating Blaschke product 1329 - 1336
Shangjing Hao and Liu Yang  
AbstractKeywords: Ds space; Bloch space; pseudoanalytic extension; interpolating Blaschke productMSC: 30D50; 30D45DOI: 10.2298/FIL2204329H
On the inequality w(AB) ≤ c∥A∥w(B) where A is a positive operator 1337 - 1340
El Hassan Benabdi, Abderrahim Baghdad, Mohamed Chraibi Kaadoud and Mohamed Barraa  
AbstractKeywords: Numerical radius; Numerical radius inequalities; Numerical rangeMSC: 47A10; 47A12; 47A30DOI: 10.2298/FIL2204337B
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