Novi Sad Journal of MathematicsPublisher: Department of Mathematics and Informatics,
Faculty of Sciences, Novi SadISSN: 1450-5444 (Print), 2406-2014 (Online)Issue: 24_1Date: 1994Journal Homepage |
AbstractKeywords: null-additive fuzzy measure; continuous from above; continuous from below; auto continuous from above; autocon-tinuous from belowMSC: 28A10; 28E10
AbstractKeywords: pseudo-addition; pseudo-multiplication; g-derivative; g-integralMSC: 28A15; 28A25
AbstractKeywords: Cesero averages; kernel; contraction; ergodic theoremMSC: 47A35
AbstractKeywords: nonlinear and linear prediction; proper-canonical representation; Hermite polynomials in Gaussian variableMSC: 60G12
AbstractKeywords: ultradistributions; tempered; multipliersMSC: 46F05
AbstractKeywords: the field of Mikusinski operators; partial differential equationMSC: 44A40; 65M15
AbstractKeywords: the special subspaces $\mathcal A\{x^{\alpha_n}\}$ of tempered distributions; the generalized asymptotic expansionMSC: 46F10; 46F12; 44A15
AbstractKeywords: locally product spaces; separated coordinare system; PC-tensor; Roter's metrics of first and second type; Ricci-recurrent spaces; conformally flat spacesMSC: 53A30 53A60
AbstractKeywords: pinching theorem; minimal submanifoldsMSC: 53C40; 53C20
AbstractKeywords: binary search; defective elementMSC: 94A50; 05D99