Kragujevac Journal of MathematicsPublisher: Prirodno-matematički fakultet Kragujevac, KragujevacISSN: 1450-9628Issue: 46_1Date: 2022Journal Homepage |
AbstractKeywords: linear functional; integral equation; integral representation on the real line; Hermite polynomials; Dawson function; Dirac massMSC: 33C45; 42C05
AbstractKeywords: a nonorientable surface; cut system complexMSC: 57N05; 57M99; 05C40
AbstractKeywords: p-convergent operators; weakly-p-L-sets; Dunford-Pettis property of order pMSC: 46B20; 46B25; 46B28
AbstractKeywords: Specht’s ratio; frame; Parseval frame; inequalityMSC: 42C15
AbstractKeywords: impulsive fractional differential inclusions; Riemann-Liouville fractional derivative; fixed point; solution set; compactness; contractibleMSC: 34A60; 34A08; 34A37
AbstractKeywords: delay differential equation; method of line; non-standard finite difference; singular perturbationMSC: 65M06; 65M20; 65N06; 65N12
AbstractKeywords: Hadamard fractional derivative; sequential coupled system; fixed point theorem; Hyers-Ulam stabilityMSC: 26A33; 34A08; 35B40
AbstractKeywords: vertex-degree-based topological indices; exponential topological indices; extremal graphsMSC: 05C35; 05C07
AbstractKeywords: holomorphic functions; Differential subordination; Convex univalent; Hadamard product; Generalized differential operatorMSC: 30C45; 30A20
AbstractKeywords: (commutative) pseudo-BCK algebra; pseudo-BCK lattice; (commutative) deductive system; directoid; semilatticeMSC: 03G25; 06F35; 03F50