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Front Page Kragujevac Journal of MathematicsPublisher: Prirodno-matematički fakultet Kragujevac, KragujevacISSN: 1450-9628Issue: 45_6Date: 2021Journal Homepage

On Distance Signless Laplacian Estrada Index and Energy of Graphs 837 - 858
Abdolla Alhevaz, Maryam Baghipur and Shariefuddin Pirzada  
AbstractKeywords: distance signless Laplacian matrix; distance signless Laplacian Estrada index; distance Estrada index; transmission regular graph; distance signless Laplacian energyMSC: 05C35; 05C50; 15A18
Certain Properties of Apostol-Type Hermite-Based-Frobenius-Genocchi Polynomials 859 - 872
Waseem A. Khan and Divesh Srivastava  
AbstractKeywords: Hermite polynomials; Frobenius-Genocchi polynomials; Apostol-type Hermite-based Genocchi polynomialsMSC: 11B68; 05A10; 05A15; 33C45; 26B99
Construction of $L$-Borderenergetic Graphs 873 - 880
Samir K. Vaidya and Kalpesh M. Popat  
AbstractKeywords: borderenergetic; $L$-borderenergetic; energyMSC: 05C50; 05C76
On the Applications of Bochner-Kodaira-Morrey-Kohn Identity 881 - 896
Sayed Saber  
AbstractKeywords: $\overline\partial$; $\overline\partial$-Neumann operator; weakly $q$-convex domainsMSC: 32F10; 32W05; 32W10; 35J20; 35J60
Positive Solutions for First-Order Nonlinear Caputo-Hadamard Fractional Relaxation Differential Equations 897 - 908
Abdelouaheb Ardjouni and Ahcene Djoudi  
AbstractKeywords: fixed points; fractional differential equations; positive solutions; existence; uniqueness; relaxation phenomenonMSC: 34A08; 34A12
Existence and Uniqueness of the Mild Solution of an Abstract Semilinear Fractional Differential Equation with State Dependent Nonlocal Condition 909 - 923
Mohamed A. E. Herzallah and Ashraf H. A. Radwan  
AbstractKeywords: Caputo derivative; state dependent nonlocal condition; $C_0$-semigroups; continuous dependence; $\epsilon$-approximate solution; Krasnoselskii's fixed point theoremMSC: 26A33; 28B99; 34G20; 45N05
Geometric Invariants Under the Möbius Action of the Group $SL(2;\mathbb R)$ 925 - 941
Debapriya Biswas and Sandipan Dutta  
AbstractKeywords: Lie group; $SL(2;\mathbb R)$ group; invariants; Möbius transformation; homogeneous spaces; Iwasawa decompositionMSC: 57S20; 57S25; 51H20; 14R20; 22F30; 54H11
Some Results for Endomorphisms in Prime Rings 943 - 950
Abdelkarim Boua  
AbstractKeywords: prime ring; endomorphisms; commutativityMSC: 16N60; 15A27; 16S50
A New Method to Solve Dual Systems of Fractional Integro-Differential Equations by Legendre Wavelets 951 - 968
Razieh Kavehsarchogha, Reza Ezzati, Nasrin Karamikabir and Farajollah Mohammadi Yaghobbi  
AbstractKeywords: Legendre wavelets; fractional integro-differential equations; algebraic; dual systemsMSC: 26A33; 65T60
The Minimum Edge Covering Energy of a Graph 969 - 975
Samira Sabeti, Akram Banihashemi Dehkordi and Saeed Mohammadian Semnani  
AbstractKeywords: minimum edge covering set; minimum edge covering matrix; graph energy; minimum edge covering eigenvaluesMSC: 05C50
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