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Front Page FilomatPublisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, NišISSN: 0354-5180Issue: 37_11Date: 2023Journal Homepage

Bisimulations for weighted networks with weights in a quantale 3335 - 3355
Ivan Stanković, Miroslav Ćirić and Jelena Ignjatović  
AbstractKeywords: Weighted networks; QuantaleMSC: 15B15; 15A80; 91D30; 68Q85DOI: 10.2298/FIL2311335S
A novel surface fuzzy analytic hierarchy process 3357 - 3370
Dušan J Simjanović, Nenad O Vesić, Jelena M Ignjatović and Branislav M Ranđelović  
AbstractKeywords: Fuzzy set; Spherical fuzzy analytic hierarchy process; Surface; Geodesic lineMSC: 08A72; 53B50; 20N25DOI: 10.2298/FIL2311357S
Remarks on n-power quasinormal operators 3371 - 3381
Eungil Ko and Mee-Jung Lee  
AbstractKeywords: n-power qusinormal operator; Local spectral property; Operator transformMSC: 47A50; 47A63; 47B20DOI: 10.2298/FIL2311371K
Transmutation of conformable Sturm-Liouville operator with exactly solvable potential 3383 - 3390
Auwalu Sa'idu and Hikmet Koyunbakan  
AbstractKeywords: Fractional differentiation; Transformation operator; Sturm-Liouville operatorMSC: 34B24; 34C20DOI: 10.2298/FIL2311383S
A regularized trace of an even-order differential operator with bounded operator coefficient given in a finite interval 3391 - 3401
Fatma Aydin Akgun and Mamed Bayramoglu  
AbstractKeywords: Regularized trace; Operator coefficient; Differential operatorMSC: 34K08; 34L05; 34L10DOI: 10.2298/FIL2311391A
Fixed points theorems for enriched non-expansive mappings in geodesic spaces 3403 - 3409
Javid Ali and Mohd Jubair  
AbstractKeywords: CAT(0) space; Enriched non-expansive mapping; △-convergence; Strong convergence; Simplified Mann iteration; Fixed pointsMSC: 47H09; 47H10; 54H25DOI: 10.2298/FIL2311403A
Tauberian theorems for Cesàro summability in neutrosophic normed spaces 3411 - 3426
Vakeel A Khan and Mohd Faisal  
AbstractKeywords: Neutrosophic normed space (NNS); Cesàro summability; Tauberian theorems; Slowly oscillating sequences; q- boundednessMSC: 40E05; 40G05DOI: 10.2298/FIL2311411K
On some newton's type inequalities for differentiable convex functions via Riemann-Liouville fractional integrals 3427 - 3441
Muhammad Aamir Ali, Hüsein Budak, Michal Fečkan, Nichaphat Patanarapeelert and Thanin Sitthiwirattham  
AbstractKeywords: Simpson’s 38 formula; Fractional Calculus; Convex FunctionsMSC: 26D10; 26A51; 26D15DOI: 10.2298/FIL2311427A
A-numerical radius inequalities and a-translatable radii of semi-Hilbert space operators 3443 - 3456
Messaoud Guesba, Pintu Bhunia and Kallol Paul  
AbstractKeywords: Positive operator; A-numerical radius; A-seminorm distance; A-numerical radius distance; InequalityMSC: 47A05; 47A12; 47A30; 47B15DOI: 10.2298/FIL2311443G
Extended multi-valued pseudocontractive mappings and extended Mann and Ishikawa iteration schemes for finite family of mappings 3457 - 3482
Felicia Obiageli Isiogugu, Ferdinand Udochukwu Ogbuisi and Paranjothi Pillay  
AbstractKeywords: Hilbert spaces; Extended Mann and extended Ishikawa iteration schemes; Demiclosedness; Extended k-strictly pseudocontractive and pseudocontractiveMSC: 47H10; 54H25 47H30 47J05 47J25DOI: 10.2298/FIL2311457I
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