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Front Page FilomatPublisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, NišISSN: 0354-5180Issue: 37_8Date: 2023Journal Homepage

On approximately biprojective and approximately biflat Banach algebras 2295 - 2302
Amir Sahami and Abasalt Bodaghi  
AbstractKeywords: Banach algebra; approximate biprojectivity; approximate biflatness; θ-Lau productMSC: 46M10; 43A20; 46H05DOI: 10.2298/FIL2308295S
Two-parameter conformable fractional semigroups and abstract Cauchy problems 2303 - 2319
Rachid Ameziane Hassani, Aziz Blali, Abdelkhalek El Amrani and Mouad El Beldi  
AbstractKeywords: α-Semigroups; abstract Cauchy problems; α-infinitesimal generatorMSC: 34G10; 26A33DOI: 10.2298/FIL2308303A
Asymptotic expansion of solutions for the Robin-Dirichlet problem of Kirchhoff-carrier type with Balakrishnan-Taylor damping 2321 - 2346
Nguyen Huu Nhan, Bui Duc Nam, Le Thi Phuong Ngoc and Nguyen Thanh Long  
AbstractKeywords: Nonlinear wave equation; Balakrishnan-Taylor damping; Faedo-Galerkin method; Local existence; Asymptotic expansionMSC: 35L20; 35L70; 35Q74; 37B25DOI: 10.2298/FIL2308321N
Finite-dimensional exact controllability of an abstract semilinear fractional composite relaxation equation 2347 - 2360
Yixing Liang, Zhenbin Fan and Gang Li  
AbstractKeywords: Semilinear fractional composite relaxation equations; Resolvent theory; Approximate controllability; Variational method; Finite-dimensional exact controllabilityMSC: 93B05; 26A33; 34K37; 47A10DOI: 10.2298/FIL2308347L
Finite Gabor systems and uncertainty principle for block sliding discrete Fourier transform 2361 - 2376
Khole Timothy Poumai, Nikhil Khanna and S K Kaushik  
AbstractKeywords: Oversampling; uncertainty principle; finite Gabor frames; block sliding discrete Fourier transformMSC: 42A38; 42C15; 42C40; 94A12DOI: 10.2298/FIL2308361P
Lipschitz functions class for the generalized Dunkl transform 2377 - 2385
M El Hamma, A Laamimi and H El Harrak  
AbstractKeywords: Dunkl generalized transform; Generalized translation operatorsMSC: 47B48; 33C67DOI: 10.2298/FIL2308377E
On the continuity of the solution to the Minkowski problem for L p torsional measure 2387 - 2396
Ni Li and Shuang Mou  
AbstractKeywords: torsional rigidity; Lp torsional measure; convex body; Minkowski problemMSC: 52A20; 53A15DOI: 10.2298/FIL2308387L
Nonlinear maps preserving the mixed triple ∗-product between factors 2397 - 2403
Fangjuan Zhang  
AbstractKeywords: mixed triple ∗-product; isomorphism; factorMSC: 47B48; 46L10DOI: 10.2298/FIL2308397Z
Unified Massera type theorems for dynamic equations on time scales 2405 - 2419
Halis Can Koyuncuoğlu  
AbstractKeywords: Time scale; shift operator; (T; λ)-periodic; (T; λ)-symmetric; Massera’s theoremMSC: 34N05; 34C25 34K13DOI: 10.2298/FIL2308405K
Orlicz-lacunary bicomplex sequence spaces of difference operators 2421 - 2435
Kuldip Raj, Ayhan Esi and Charu Sharma  
AbstractKeywords: Orlicz function; paranorm space; lacunary sequence spaces; bicomplex sequence spaces; solidityMSC: 40A05; 40A30DOI: 10.2298/FIL2308421R
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