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Front Page FilomatPublisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, NišISSN: 0354-5180Issue: 34_3Date: 2020Journal Homepage

Weak solutions for a (p(z), q(z))-Laplacian Dirichlet problem 999 - 1011
Antonella Nastasi  
AbstractKeywords: (p(z); q(z))-Laplacian operator; (Cc)-condition; weak solutionMSC: 35J20; 35J92; 58E05DOI: 10.2298/FIL2003999N
Polar decomposition and characterization of binormal operators 1013 - 1024
Mehdi Mohammadzadeh Karizaki  
AbstractKeywords: Polar decomposition; generalized Aluthge transformation; binormal operator; Hilbert C∗-moduleMSC: 46L08; 47A05DOI: 10.2298/FIL2003013M
On relations between Kirchhoff index, Laplacian energy, Laplacian-energy-like invariant and degree deviation of graphs 1025 - 1033
Predrag Milošević, Emina Milovanović, Marjan Matejić and Igor Milovanović  
AbstractKeywords: Kirchhoff index; Laplacian energy; Laplacian-energy-like invariant; degree deviationMSC: 05C12; 05C50DOI: 10.2298/FIL2003025M
Bounds for the zeros of polynomials from compression matrix inequalities 1035 - 1051
Fuad Kittaneh, Mohammad Odeh and Khalid Shebrawi  
AbstractKeywords: Frobenius companion matrix; zeros of polynomials; boundsMSC: 15A60; 26C10; 30C15DOI: 10.2298/FIL2003035K
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