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Front Page FilomatPublisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, NišISSN: 0354-5180Issue: 32_17Date: 2018Journal Homepage

Large deviations for Lotka-Nagaev estimator of a randomly indexed branching process 5803 - 5808
Zhenlong Gao and Lina Qiu  
AbstractKeywords: Branching process; renewal process; large deviations; harmonic momentsMSC: 60J80; 60F10DOI: 10.2298/FIL1817803G
Relationships between some distance–based topological indices 5809 - 5815
Hongbo Hua, Ivan Gutman, Hongzhuan Wang and Kinkar C. H. Das  
AbstractKeywords: distance (in graph); Harary index; average distance; Wiener polarity index; connective eccentricity indexMSC: 05C35; 05C12DOI: 10.2298/FIL1817809H
On the spectrum of some signed complete and complete bipartite graphs 5817 - 5826
S Akbari, H R Maimani and L Parsaei Majd  
AbstractKeywords: Signed graph; Eigenvalues; MatchingMSC: 05C22; 05C50; 05C70DOI: 10.2298/FIL1817817A
A new method for finding the shape operator of a hypersurface in euclidean 4-space 5827 - 5836
Bahar Uyar Düldüla  
AbstractKeywords: Shape operator; hypersurface; Darboux frameMSC: 53A07; 53A04; 53A55DOI: 10.2298/FIL1817827U
Shift commutator algebras and multipliers 5837 - 5843
A L Barrenechea  
AbstractKeywords: Multipliers on Banach algebras; Direct sums of Hilbert spaces; Commutators; Shift and Toeplitz operatorsMSC: 43A22; 47B48DOI: 10.2298/FIL1817837B
On warped product semi-slant submanifolds of nearly Trans-Sasakian manifolds 5845 - 5856
Akram Ali, Ali H Alkhaldi and Rifaqat Ali  
AbstractKeywords: Warped products; Semi-slant submanifold; nearly Trans-Sasakian manifoldsMSC: 53C40; 53C42; 53B25DOI: 10.2298/FIL1817845A
Dynamical behaviors in a discrete fractional-order predator-prey system 5857 - 5874
Yao Shi, Qiang Ma and Xiaohua Ding  
AbstractKeywords: Fractional-order differential equations; Neimark-Sacker bifurcation; Flip bifurcation; Predator-prey systemMSC: 92D25; 39A28; 39A30DOI: 10.2298/FIL1817857S
Asymptotic farthest points and extreme points 5875 - 5885
M Zare Nejhad Ardakani and H Mazaheri Tehrani  
AbstractKeywords: Asymptotic farthest point; Extreme point; Weakly compact set; Closed hyperplane; Closed convex hull of a setMSC: 41A65; 46B20; 46B50; 90C47DOI: 10.2298/FIL1817875A
Three limit representations of the core-EP inverse 5887 - 5894
Mengmeng Zhou, Jianlong Chen, Tingting Li and Dingguo Wang  
AbstractKeywords: Core-EP inverse; Core inverse; Limit representation.MSC: 15A09DOI: 10.2298/FIL1817887Z
Biprojectivity and biflatness of generalized module extension Banach algebras 5895 - 5905
Mina Ettefagh  
AbstractKeywords: Biprojectivity; Biflatness; Module extension Banach algebra; Lau productMSC: 46H25; 46M18DOI: 10.2298/FIL1817895E
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