The Teaching of MathematicsPublisher: Društvo matematičara Srbije, BeogradISSN: 1451-4966 (Print), 2406-1077 (Online)Issue: XVI_2Date: 2013Journal Homepage |
AbstractKeywords: Invariance of number, additive scheme, addition and subtraction tasks, number system up to 20.MSC: 1MSC97H20 2MathEducH22
AbstractKeywords: Infinite descent principle, principle of mathematical induction, well ordering property.MSC: 1MSC97E60 97F60 97K20 2MathEducE65 F65 K25
AbstractKeywords: Rational and irrational numbers.MSC: 1MSC97F60 2MathEducF64
AbstractKeywords: Limits of sequences, problem solving.MSC: 1MSC97D50 97I30 2MathEducD55 I35