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Front Page The Teaching of MathematicsPublisher: Društvo matematičara Srbije, BeogradISSN: 1451-4966 (Print), 2406-1077 (Online)Issue: XII_1Date: 2009Journal Homepage

Limits of composite functions 1 - 6
Milosav M. Marjanović and Zoran Kadelburg  
AbstractKeywords: Composite function, introduction of a new variable.MSC: 1AMS00A35 2ZDMI25
New close form approximations of $ln{(1+x)}$ 7 - 14
Sanjay Kumar Khattri  
AbstractKeywords: Quadrature rules, closed form approximation, logarithm.MSC: 1AMS00A35 2ZDMN45
Analyzing the role of shapes in the process of writing proofs in model of p-m combinations 15 - 24
George Dimakos and Emmanouil Nikoloudakis  
AbstractKeywords: Model of p-m Combinations, figure components, representation, dynamic geometry software.MSC: 1AMS00A35 2ZDMG43
Predictors of success in solving programming tasks 25 - 31
Jasmina Milić  
AbstractKeywords: Knowledge level, intellectual ability, gender, computer attitude, programming.MSC: 1AMS00A35 2ZDMQ24 Q74
The definite integral and computer 33 - 44
Dragoslav Herceg and Đorđe Herceg  
AbstractKeywords: CAS, DGS, dynamic software, teaching-learning process, integration, numeric integration.MSC: 1AMS97D40 97D80 97U70 2ZDMI54
Numbers as visible shapes 45 - 49
Milosav M. Marjanović and Aleksandra N. Mandić  
AbstractKeywords: Number pictures as arrangements of uniform signs, recognition of numbers at the first glance, structuring of arrangements.MSC: 1AMS00A35 2ZDMF32

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