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Front Page FilomatPublisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, NišISSN: 0354-5180Issue: 34_7Date: 2020Journal Homepage

On Ramsey properties, function spaces, and topological games 2377 - 2386
Steven Clontz and Alexander V Osipov  
AbstractKeywords: Selection principles; topological games; predetermined strategy; Markov strategy; covering properties; Cp theory; Ramsey property; selectively sequentially separable; Ω-Ramsey propertyMSC: 91A44; 54C35; 54C65; 91A05DOI: 10.2298/FIL2007377C
On the diameter of compressed zero-divisor graphs of ore extensions 2387 - 2400
Ebrahim Hashemi and Mona Abdi  
AbstractKeywords: Reversible rings; skew polynomial rings; zero-divisor graph; compressed zero-divisor graphMSC: 16S36; 16U80; 05C12DOI: 10.2298/FIL2007387H
Fractional integral inequalities of Hermite-Hadamard type for convex functions with respect to a monotone function 2401 - 2411
Pshtiwan Othman Mohammeda  
AbstractKeywords: Riemann-Liouville fractional integral; Convex functions; Hermite-Hadamard inequality; Midpoint formulaMSC: 26D07; 26D15; 26D10; 26A33DOI: 10.2298/FIL2007401M
Geometry of warped product pointwise submanifolds of Sasakian manifolds 2413 - 2424
Lamia Saeed Alqahtani and Yavuz Selim Balkan  
AbstractKeywords: Warped product submanifold; pointwise bi-slant submanifold; Sasakian manifoldMSC: 53D10; 53C15; 53C25; 53C35DOI: 10.2298/FIL2007413A
(m, q)-isometric and (m,∞)-isometric tuples of commutative mappings on a metric space 2425 - 2437
O A Mahmoud Sid Ahmed, Muneo Chō and Ji Eun Lee  
AbstractKeywords: m-isometric mapping; (m; ∞)-isometries; and m-isometric tuples; metric spacesMSC: 54E40; 62H86DOI: 10.2298/FIL2007425M
On the equality of triple derivations and derivations of lie algebras 2439 - 2449
Mohammad Hossein Jafari and Ali Reza Madadi  
AbstractKeywords: Lie algebras; Derivations; Triple derivations; Block upper triangular matricesMSC: 15A04; 17B01; 17B40; 16W25DOI: 10.2298/FIL2007439J
A note on the power graphs of finite nilpotent groups 2451 - 2461
Vivek Kumar Jain and Pradeep Kumar  
AbstractKeywords: Nilpotent groups; p-Groups; Generalized extraspecial p-groups; Power graph; Independence number; Maximal cyclic subgroupsMSC: 20D15; 05C25DOI: 10.2298/FIL2007451J
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