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Front Page FilomatPublisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, NišISSN: 0354-5180Issue: 33_4Date: 2019Journal Homepage

About almost geodesic curves 1013 - 1018
Olga Belova, Josef Mikeš and Karl Strambach  
AbstractKeywords: affine connection; almost geodesicMSC: 53C22; 53B05; 53B20; 53B30DOI: 10.2298/FIL1904013B
Computational geometry as a tool for studying root-finding methods 1019 - 1027
Ivan Petković and Lidija Z Rančić  
AbstractKeywords: Computational geometry; parametric iterative methods; graphic visualization; dynamic study; basin of attractionMSC: 65H05; 65Y20; 65D18; 68W30; 33F05DOI: 10.2298/FIL1904019P
Application of the geometry of curves in Euclidean space 1029 - 1036
Kostadin Trenčevski  
AbstractKeywords: torsion; curvature; spinning body; high dimensional space-timeMSC: 53A04; 51F25; 53Z05DOI: 10.2298/FIL1904029T
Dual quaternions and dual quaternionic curves 1037 - 1046
Ali Dağdeviren and Salim Yüce  
AbstractKeywords: Dual Quaternions; Dual Quaternionic Curves; Serret-Frenet FrameMSC: 11R52; 53A35; 53A99DOI: 10.2298/FIL1904037D
Equitorsion holomorphically projective mappings of generalized m-parabolic Kähler manifolds 1047 - 1052
Miloš Z Petrović and Patrik Peška  
AbstractKeywords: Holomorphically projective mapping; generalized Riemannian space; generalized m-parabolic Kähler manifold; PDE- system; curvature tensorMSC: 53B05; 53B20; 53B35DOI: 10.2298/FIL1904047P
Recurrent equiaffine projective Euclidean spaces 1053 - 1058
Almazbek Sabykanov, Josef Mikeš and Patrik Peška  
AbstractKeywords: recurrent spaces; spaces with affine connection; equiaffine spaces; projective Euclidean spacesMSC: 53B05DOI: 10.2298/FIL1904053S
On the Sampson Laplacian 1059 - 1070
Sergey Stepanov, Irina Tsyganok and Josef Mikeš  
AbstractKeywords: Riemannian manifold; second order elliptic differential operator on symmetric tensors; vanishing theorems; eigenvalues and eigentensorsMSC: 53C20; 53C21; 53C24DOI: 10.2298/FIL1904059S
Anisotropic image evolution of Synge-Beil type 1071 - 1079
Vladimir Balan and Jelena Stojanov  
AbstractKeywords: Beltrami framework; Polyakov action; generalized Lagrangian metric; surface evolution; image processingMSC: 53B40; 53C60; 53C44DOI: 10.2298/FIL1904071B
Metrics transformations preserving the types of one-dimensional minimal fillings 1081 - 1089
S Yu Lipatov  
AbstractKeywords: minimal fillings; finite metric spacesMSC: 53F99DOI: 10.2298/FIL1904081L
On the symmetrization of jets on vector bundles 1091 - 1096
Miroslav Doupovec, Jan Kurek and Włodzimierz M Mikulski  
AbstractKeywords: holonomic jets; semiholonomic jets; Ehresmann prolongation; higher order connectionsMSC: 58A05; 58A20; 58A32DOI: 10.2298/FIL1904091D
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