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Front Page FilomatPublisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, NišISSN: 0354-5180Issue: 33_2Date: 2019Journal Homepage

On filter convergence of nets in uniform spaces 353 - 357
Ekrem Savaş and Ulaş Yamancı  
AbstractKeywords: Ideal; filter; nets; F -convergence; Fst-convergenceMSC: 40A35; 54A20; 54E15DOI: 10.2298/FIL1902353S
Some results of the Picard-Krasnoselskii hybrid iterative process 359 - 365
Aynur Şahin  
AbstractKeywords: Picard-Krasnoselskii hybrid iterative process; fixed point; stability; functional equation; contractive-like operatorMSC: 47H10; 47H09; 39B05DOI: 10.2298/FIL1902359S
An algebraic analysis of categorical syllogisms by using Carroll's diagrams 367 - 383
Ibrahim Senturk and Tahsin Oner  
AbstractKeywords: Categorical syllogisms; completeness; validity; algebraic logicMSC: 03B22; 03B80; 03E20; 03G27; 06A11; 18B35DOI: 10.2298/FIL1902367S
Suborbital graphs for a non-transitive action of the normalizer 385 - 392
Murat Beşenk, Özgür Güler and Abdurrahman Büyükkaya  
AbstractKeywords: Normalizer; imprimitive action; suborbital graphsMSC: 05C25; 11F06; 20H05DOI: 10.2298/FIL1902385B
Topological aspect of monodromy groupoid for a group-groupoid 393 - 401
Osman Mucuk and Serap Demir  
AbstractKeywords: Monodromy groupoid; group-groupoid; holonomy groupoid; universal coveringMSC: 20L05; 22A22; 57M10DOI: 10.2298/FIL1902393M
Uniform and pointwise estimates for algebraic polynomials in regions with interior and exterior zero angles 403 - 413
N Pelin Özkartepe, Tuncay Tunç and Fahreddin G Abdullayev  
AbstractKeywords: Polynomials; Nikol’skii inequalities; Bernstein inequalities; conformal mapping; quasicircleMSC: 30A10; 30C10; 41A17DOI: 10.2298/FIL1902403O
Positive solutions of impulsive time-scale boundary value problems with p-Laplacian on the half-line 415 - 433
Ilkay Yaslan Karaca and Aycan Sinanoglu  
AbstractKeywords: Four functionals fixed point index theorem; impulsive dynamic equation; positive solutions; boundary value problems; time scaleMSC: 34B18; 34B37; 34K10DOI: 10.2298/FIL1902415Y
Best proximity point results for Suzuki-Edelstein proximal contractions via auxiliary functions 435 - 447
Azhar Hussain, Muhammad Qamar Iqbal and Nawab Hussain  
AbstractKeywords: Best proximity points; Suzuki contraction; coupled fixed point theoremMSC: 55M20; 47H10DOI: 10.2298/FIL1902435H
A note on the spectrum of discrete Klein-Gordon s-wave equation with eigenparameter dependent boundary condition 449 - 455
Nimet Coskun and Nihal Yokus  
AbstractKeywords: Eigenparameter; spectral analysis; eigenvalues; spectral singularities; discrete equation; Klein-Gordon equationMSC: 39A70; 47A10; 47A75DOI: 10.2298/FIL1902449C
Quadratic quadrature formula for curves with third degree of exactness 457 - 462
Abedallah Rababah  
AbstractKeywords: Quadrature formula; quadratic formula; parametric curves; degree of exactness three; fifth orderMSC: 41A10; 65D30; 65D17DOI: 10.2298/FIL1902457R
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