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Front Page FilomatPublisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, NišISSN: 0354-5180Issue: 31_14Date: 2017Journal Homepage

Fixed point problems for α-ψ-weakly contractive operators on KST spaces 4441 - 4454
Liliana Guran and Amelia Bucur  
AbstractKeywords: α-ψ-weakly contractive operator; Well-posedness; Fixed point; KST-space; Ulam-Hyers w-stability.MSC: 46T99; 47H10; 54H25DOI:
Fundamental properties of statistical convergence and lacunary statistical convergence on time scales 4455 - 4467
Ceylan Turan and Oktay Duman  
AbstractKeywords: Density; statistical convergence; lacunary statistical convergence; time scalesMSC: 40G15; 40A35; 26E70DOI:
Fixed points of (α, ψ, ϕ)-generalized weakly contractive maps and property(p) in s-metric spaces 4469 - 4481
Venkata Ravindranadh Babu Gutti and Leta Bekere Kumssa  
AbstractKeywords: S-metric space; property(P); (α; ψ; ϕ)-generalized weakly contractive maps; fixed pointMSC: 47H10; 54H25DOI:
Symmetries in some extremal problems between two parallel hyperplanes 4483 - 4490
Monica Rubin Ribero Merkle  
AbstractKeywords: Prescribed mean curvature; Capillarity; SymmetryMSC: 53A10; 57R40DOI:
A new version of the real Paley-Wiener theorems 4491 - 4497
Hatem Mejjaoli  
AbstractKeywords: Dunkl transform; real Paley-Wiener theoremMSC: 44A05; 42B10DOI:
On a superclass of *-operfectness 4499 - 4505
Erdal Ekici and A Nur Tunç  
AbstractKeywords: P*-closed set; P*-open set; pre I*-open; pre * I-closed; *-operfect; *-open; *-closed; *-nowhere denseMSC: 54A05; 54A10DOI:
Some extensions of the Prabhu-Srivastava theorem involving the (p, q)-gamma function 4507 - 4513
Ji-Cai Liu and Jichun Liu  
AbstractKeywords: (p; q)-Gamma function; q-Gamma function; Faà di Bruno formula; Prabhu-Srivastava theorem; DerivativeMSC: 33D05; 33B15DOI:
Caputo type fractional differential equations with nonlocal Riemann-Liouville and Erdélyi-Kober type integral boundary conditions 4515 - 4529
Bashir Ahmad, Sotiris K Ntouyas, Jessada Tariboon and Ahmed Alsaedi  
AbstractKeywords: Caputo fractional derivative; Riemann-Liouville fractional integral; Erdélyi-Kober fractional integral; existence; fixed point.MSC: 34A08; 34B10DOI:
Fejér-type inequalities for Lipschitzian functions and their applications 4531 - 4542
Kai-Chen Hsu  
AbstractKeywords: Hermite-Hadamard inequality; Fejér- inequality; convex function; L-Lipschitzian function; γ-th moment; Beta functionMSC: 26D15; 26A51DOI:
Coincidence of multivalued mappings on metric spaces with a graph 4543 - 4554
Muhammad Nouman Aslam Khan, Akbar Azam and Ljubiša D R Kočinac  
AbstractKeywords: Graphic contraction; multivalued contraction; sequence of multivalued mappings; coincidence pointsMSC: 47H10; 54H25DOI:
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