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Front Page FilomatPublisher: Faculty of Sciences and Mathematics, NišISSN: 0354-5180Issue: 31_13Date: 2017Journal Homepage

Some Conditions under which Left Derivations are Zero 3965 - 3974
Amin Hosseini  
AbstractKeywords: derivation; left derivation; Jordan left derivation.MSC: 47B47; 13N15; 17B40DOI:
A Continued Fraction of Ramanujan and Some Ramanujan-Weber Class Invariants 3975 - 3997
Chandrashekar Adiga, Nasser Abdo Saeed Bulkhalib, Yilmaz Simsek and H M Srivastava  
AbstractKeywords: q-Continued fractions; q-Series; Modular equations; Ramanujan-Weber class invariants; Algebraic numbers; Transcendental numbers; Dedekind eta functionMSC: 11A55; 11F20; 11R04DOI:
Slant Riemannian Maps from an Almost Contact Manifold 3999 - 4007
Rajendra Prasad and Shashikant Pandey  
AbstractKeywords: Riemannian map; slant Riemannian map; almost contact manifold; totally geodesicMSC: 53C15; 53C40; 53C50DOI:
A Mixed Thinning Based Geometric INAR(1) Model 4009 - 4022
Aleksandar S Nastić, Miroslav M Ristić and Ana D Janjić  
AbstractKeywords: Mixed thinning operator; Mixed thinning INAR(1) model; Binomial thinning; Negative binomial thinning; Geometric marginal distributionMSC: 62M10DOI:
The Generalized Orthogonal Solutions of the Matrix Inverse Problem AX = B and Optimal Approximation 4023 - 4031
Wei Liu, Anping Liao and Baiyu Wang  
AbstractKeywords: Generalized orthogonal matrix; Matrix inverse problem; Procrustes problem; Optimal approximationMSC: 15A29; 65F05DOI:
On Automorphisms and Structural Properties of Generalized Cayley Graphs 4033 - 4040
Ademir Hujdurović, Klavdija Kutnar, Paweł Petecki and Anastasiya Tanana  
AbstractKeywords: Generalized Cayley graph; vertex-transitive graph; Cayley graphMSC: 05C25DOI:
Some New Star-Selection Principles in Topology 4041 - 4050
Prasenjit Bal and Subrata Bhowmik  
AbstractKeywords: Selection principles; star-Menger space; topological gamesMSC: 54D20; 37F20; 91A44DOI:
Ricci Soliton and η-Ricci Soliton on Generalized Sasakian Space Form 4051 - 4062
Sampa Pahan, Tamalika Dutta and Arindam Bhattacharyya  
AbstractKeywords: Generalized Sasakian space form; Ricci soliton; η-Ricci solitonMSC: 53C15; 53A30; 53C25; 53C44; 53D15DOI:
Hypertopologies on ωμ-Metric Spaces 4063 - 4068
Anna Di Concilio and Clara Guadagni  
AbstractKeywords: ωμ-metric spaces; uniform spaces; uniform spaces with linearly ordered bases; ωμ-additive topologies; Hausdor topology; Bourbaki-Hausdor uniformity; uniform equivalence for ωμ-metrics; Kuratowski convergence; Efremovič Lemma; totally ordered abelian groupsMSC: 54B20; 54A05; 54A10; 54A20; 54A25; 54E15; 54E35; 54E99; 54F05; 06A05; 06F20DOI:
Yetter-Drinfeld Modules for Weak Hom-Hopf Algebras 4069 - 4084
Shuangjian Guo and Yuanyuan Ke  
AbstractKeywords: Yetter-Drinfeld module; braided monoidal category; (co)quasitriangular; weak-Hom type entwined-module.MSC: 16T15DOI:
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