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Front Page Computer Science and Information SystemsPublisher: ComSIS Consortium, Novi SadISSN: 1820-0214Issue: 19_1Date: 2022Journal Homepage

Building of online evaluation system based on socket protocol 185 - 204
Peng Jiang, Kexin Yan, Haijian Chen and Hai Sun  
AbstractKeywords: online evaluation system; socket protocol; MVC mode; Asynchronous IOMSC: 97C80 97C40
Applied Machine Learning in Recognition of DGA Domain Names 205 - 227
Miroslav Štampar and Krešimir Fertalj  
AbstractKeywords: domain generation algorithm; binary classification; supervised machine learning; deep learning; blind evaluationMSC: 68M11 62H30
Semantic Web Based Platform for the Harmonization of Teacher Education Curricula 229 - 250
Milinko Mandić  
AbstractKeywords: ontology; alignment; matching; teacher education curriculum; informaticsMSC: 68T30 97C90
How MCDM Method and the Number of Comparisons Influence the Priority Vector 251 - 275
Zorica Srđević, Bojan Srđević, Senka Ždero and Milica Ilić  
AbstractKeywords: analytic hierarchy process; best-worst method; criteria; comparison matrix size; number of judgmentsMSC: 68U35 91B06
Explainable Information Retrieval using Deep Learning for Medical images 277 - 307
Apoorva Singh, Husanbir Singh Pannu and Avleen Malhi  
AbstractKeywords: machine learning; explainable AI; image processing; medical images; capsule endoscopyMSC: 68T10 62H30
RICNN: A ResNet&Inception Convolutional Neural Network for Intrusion Detection of Abnormal Traffic 309 - 326
Benhui Xia, Dezhi Han, Ximing Yin and Na Gao  
AbstractKeywords: Intrusion Detection; ResNet; Inception; CNN; Traffic Classification; Imbalanced SamplesMSC: 68T10 62H30
Hyper-parameter Optimization of Convolutional Neural Networks for Classifying COVID-19 X-ray Images 327 - 352
Grega Vrbančič, Špela Pečnik and Vili Podgorelec  
AbstractKeywords: COVID-19; classification; CNN; transfer learning; optimizationMSC: 68T10 62H30
A Fast Non-dominated Sorting Multi-objective Symbiotic Organism Search Algorithm for Energy Efficient Locomotion of Snake Robot 353 - 378
Yesim Aysel Baysal and Ismail Hakki Altas  
AbstractKeywords: Energy efficiency; adaptive locomotion; friction condition; optimum gait parameters; symbiotic organism search algorithm; multi-objective optimization; snake robotMSC: 68T40 90C29
On the effectiveness of Gated Echo State Networks for data exhibiting long-term dependencies 379 - 396
Daniele Di Sarli, Claudio Gallicchio and Alessio Micheli  
AbstractKeywords: echo state networks; gated recurrent neural networks; reservoir computingMSC: 68T10 62M45
A Comparison of Deep Learning Algorithms on Image Data for Detecting Floodwater on Roadways 397 - 414
Salih Sarp, Murat Kuzlu, Yanxiao Zhao, Mecit Cetin and Ozgur Guler  
AbstractKeywords: Floodwater detection; Mask-R-CNN; GAN; object detection and segmentationMSC: 68T10 94A08
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