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Front Page Computer Science and Information SystemsPublisher: ComSIS Consortium, Novi SadISSN: 1820-0214Issue: 10_1Date: 2013Journal Homepage

Ontology-Based Architecture with Recommendation Strategy in Java Tutoring System 237 - 261
Boban Vesin, Mirjana Ivanović, Aleksandra Klašnja-Milićević and Zoran Budimac  
AbstractKeywords: Semantic Web, ontology, tutoring system, recommendation systems, personalizationMSC: 68T30 68M11
A Viewpoint of Tanzania E-Commerce and Implementation Barriers 263 - 281
George S. Oreku, Fredrick J. Mtenzi and Al-Dahoud Ali  
AbstractKeywords: e-commerce, e-payment, ICT, web, internet accessMSC: 68M11 68U35
A Design Specification and a Server Implementation of the Inverse Referential Integrity Constraints 283 - 320
Slavica Aleksić, Sonja Ristić, Ivan Luković and Milan Čeliković  
AbstractKeywords: Inclusion Dependencies, Inverse Referential Integrity Constraint, Declarative Constraint SpecificationMSC: 68P15 68U35
Methods for Division of Road Traffic Network for Distributed Simulation Performed on Heterogeneous Clusters 321 - 348
Tomas Potuzak  
AbstractKeywords: road traffic simulation, network division, distributed simulation, heterogeneous clustersMSC: 68U20 68W15
Modeling and Visualization of Classification-Based Control Schemes for Upper Limb Prostheses 349 - 367
Andreas Attenberger and Klaus Buchenrieder  
AbstractKeywords: Classification Algorithms, Decision Trees, Electromyography, Modeling, Prosthetic Hand, Simulation, Support Vector Machines, VisualizationMSC: 62H30 92C50
On Task Tree Executor Architectures Based on Intel Parallel Building Blocks 369 - 392
Miroslav Popovic, Miodrag Djukic, Vladimir Marinkovic and Nikola Vranic  
AbstractKeywords: service oriented architecture, architecture evolution, task trees, parallel programming, parallel building blocksMSC: 68M11 68W10
Modeling and Verifying the Ariadne Protocol Using Process Algebra 393 - 421
Xi Wu, Huibiao Zhu, Yongxin Zhao, Zheng Wang and Si Liu  
AbstractKeywords: Formal Verification, CSP, Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, AriadneMSC: 68M10 68Q85
System Design for Passive Human Detection using Principal Components of the Signal Strength Space 423 - 452
Bojan Mrazovac, Milan Z. Bjelica, Dragan Kukolj, Branislav M. Todorović and Saša Vukosavljev  
AbstractKeywords: energy awareness, human presence detection, principal components analysis, radio irregularity, RSSI, smart outlets, ZigbeeMSC: 62H25 68T10
Support for End-to-End Response-Time and Delay Analysis in the Industrial Tool Suite: Issues, Experiences and a Case Study 453 - 482
Saad Mubeen, Jukka Maki-Turja and Mikael Sjodin  
AbstractKeywords: real-time systems, response-time analysis, end-to-end timing analysis, component-based development, distributed embedded systemsMSC: 68U35 68M14
Design of a Multimodal Hearing System 483 - 502
Bernd Tessendorf, Matjaz Debevc, Peter Derleth, Manuela Feilner, Franz Gravenhorst, Daniel Roggen, Thomas Stiefmeier and Gerhard Tröster  
AbstractKeywords: multimodal hearing instrument, assistive technologyMSC: 68M10 68T05
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