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Front Page The Teaching of MathematicsPublisher: Društvo matematičara Srbije, BeogradISSN: 1451-4966 (Print), 2406-1077 (Online)Issue: XXVI_2Date: 2023Journal Homepage

Teaching perspectives of the Frobenius coin problem of two denominators 57 - 67
Giorgos Kapetanakis and Ioannis Rizos  
AbstractKeywords: coin problem; Frobenius number; Diophantine equations; number theory.MSC: 97F60; 97D50; D54; F64DOI: 10.57016/TM-BJZO1296
Some optimization problems with calculus 68 - 87
Arkady Kitover and Mehmet Orhon  
AbstractKeywords: optimization problems; calculus.MSC: 97I40; 97I60; I45; I65DOI: 10.57016/TM-JGGO4266
Correlation analysis of students' success in solving analytic geometry and multiple integral problems 88 - 105
Aleksandar Milenković, Radoslav Božić and Djurdjica Takači  
AbstractKeywords: multiple integrals; visualization; calculus; multiple representations; analytic geometry.MSC: 97D60; D65DOI: 10.57016/TM-VOSK9662
Maple as a tool for the teaching of cyclotomic polynomials elementarily 106 - 115
Zahedi Zahedi, Anton Abdulbasah Kamil, Fajriana Fajriana, Siswadi Siswadi, Almira Almi and and Sarmin Suparni  
AbstractKeywords: cyclotomic polynomial; irreducible; polynomial multiplication; polynomial division; Maple.MSC: 97C70; 97F40; C75; F45DOI: 10.57016/TM-TIEF1752

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