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Front Page The Teaching of MathematicsPublisher: Društvo matematičara Srbije, BeogradISSN: 1451-4966 (Print), 2406-1077 (Online)Issue: XXV_1Date: 2022Journal Homepage

Geometry understanding assessment based on van Hiele theory using comparative judgment 1 - 12
Aleksandar Balašev-Samarski, Manuela Muzika Dizdarević and Selma Zeković  
AbstractKeywords: assessment; van Hiele theory; comparative judgement.MSC: 97G40; 97D60; D44
Towards nonlinear equations - a case teaching approach in mathematical analysis of functions of one variable 13 - 20
Marek Galewski and Jakub Łompieś  
AbstractKeywords: nonlinear equation; single variable function; solvability method; case-study.MSC: 97I99; I20; C70
Two hidden properties of hex numbers 21 - 29
Silvano Rossetto and Giovanni Vincenzi  
AbstractKeywords: hex numbers; cevians; balanced partitions of triangles; regular partitions of triangles; Feynman's triangle.MSC: 97G30; G34
Revisiting the first mean value theorem for integrals 30 - 35
Humberto Rafeiro and Sehjeong Kim  
AbstractKeywords: mean value theorem; Taylor remainder.MSC: 97I50; I55
A short elementary proof of the infinitude of prime numbers 36 - 37
Romeo Meštrović  
AbstractKeywords: primes; prime factorization.MSC: 97H40; H44
Root finding techniques that work 38 - 52
Aaron Melman  
AbstractKeywords: nonlinear equation; transformation; multiplier; approximation.MSC: 97N40; N45
Teaching abstract algebra through programming 53 - 59
Natalia Saealle, Lauri Tart and Indrek Zolk  
AbstractKeywords: teaching math through coding; algebraic operations; Euclidean rings; polynomials over a field.MSC: 97U50; 97H40; U55; H45

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