The Teaching of MathematicsPublisher: Društvo matematičara Srbije, BeogradISSN: 1451-4966 (Print), 2406-1077 (Online)Issue: XXV_2Date: 2022Journal Homepage |
AbstractKeywords: Hypotrochoid; Parametric equations for curves; Graphic calculator; Spirograph; LEGO robot.MSC: 97I20; 14H50 I25; U75DOI: 10.57016/TM-EHGC7743
AbstractKeywords: Mathematical problem posing; representations; transition between representations.MSC: 97D50 D54DOI: 10.57016/TM-BAPU1403
AbstractKeywords: Non-linear dynamics; logistic equation; generalized logistic equation; AK model; mathematics courses for economists.MSC: 97M40 M45DOI: 10.57016/TM-RMSH3417
AbstractKeywords: Gaussian integral; quantization; special functions; arithmetic-geometric mean.MSC: 97I50; 97I80 I55; I85DOI: 10.57016/TM-ZOVB7625
AbstractKeywords: Continuity; uniform continuity; sequential criterion; Axiom of Choice; global continuity criterion.MSC: 97I20; 97I30 I25; I35DOI: 10.57016/TM-SBHR1144